Chapter 15

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Avery finished securing her cap to her head before touching up her mascara and looking over her outfit. A red dress that went just past her knees with a slit. There was a draped neckline too which showed the top of her boobs.
"Okay, how does it look?" She asked Summer and Darren as she stood in front of them in the living room.

"You look amazing, baby".

"So hot" they complimented.

"The caps not crooked?"

"No, it looks really good" Summer told her.

"Okay, okay. I'm nervous".

"Why? This is the easy part, you did the hard part already" Darren said, standing with her and grabbing her shoulders to comfort her. He smiled at her softly and left a kiss on her cheek.

"You're right. Let me grab shoes so we can go" she said.
They left the apartment and headed to the school since Avery had to be there early. Darren and Summer found seats in the crowd and waited for their families and friends to fill in.

They listened to the commencement speeches which lasted about an hour. It highlighted the success of the school and the prospects for the graduating class and the future classes after it. When that was finished, another speaker took the stand to start calling the students to receive their diplomas. 

"Magna cum laude, Avery Louise Clayton" the speaker read. They cheered as she walked up to get her diploma and across the stage. She waved at them as she walked back to her seat and waited for the ceremony to continue.

When it finished, they went outside to meet her.
"Congratulations honey" Deloris said as she and Craig hugged her first.

"Thank you".

"Here you, baby. Congratulation" Darren said kissing her and handing her a bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you. Thank you guys for coming" she said going around to hug everyone too.

"Of course".

"Pictures then head out?" Summer asked as Avery stood in front of her, Kamryn, and Josie.

"Yes please" she said.
They spent about twenty minutes taking pictures. A few of Avery on her own to start then her parents and Darren and his parents. The girls got in a few pictures then started heading back to Darren and Avery's apartment.


"Here you go, mom. Dinner" Connor said bringing in a plate and medicine to the room before he helped her sit up.

"Thank you".

"You're welcome. Dad's eating, he said when he's done I can help you to the bath so he can clean you up. How you feeling?"

"Tired, in pain".

"I figured. After the shower we'll change the bandages on your burn and you can get some rest".

"Thank you son" Cora smiled.

"Of course. Just let me know when you're ready" he said before leaving her room.

He waited a few seconds before Summer picked up her phone.
"Hey baby" she said.

"Hey, angel. Am I bothering you?"

"No, it's okay. Give me a second though".


"Alright, sorry it's just a little loud out there" Summer said closing the door to one of the rooms "how are you?"


"You sound tired".

"Long day. Took my mom to PT at 8 then we went over to the doctors for some X-rays and stuff. We were there for hours though. Got some food and came home to do some work. Just finished cooking dinner so they're eating now, then my dads gonna clean her up and let her get some rest" he explained.

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