Chapter 9

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"Where do we have to go now? Don't you have any meetings?" I asked him, frustratedly.

"I do have one." He replied while walking ahead of me while we waited for the elevator.

"With whom?" Cause as far as I know he has no meeting.

"You." He spoke as the lift came and he entered inside with a smirky grin on his devilish face.

My eyes blinked several times looking at him. He chuckled with a frown looking at my face.

"What are you staring at? Come and press the button." I came to my senses looking at his hand inside his pants pocket.

Yeah, I get it. He has no hands.

I stepped inside and pressed the top floor button as he told me too.

"I know why you are doing this all." I spoke out of nowhere as the elevator started going up.

He looked at the floor with a tsk and then looked back at me.

"Why?" He asked me,tilting his huge body towards me.

I was already standing beside the edge but he turned and attached me to the end already.

"Because you want me to sign up as your permanent secretary. Right?" I replied, looking into his black eyes as they went dark while he stepped towards me with a grin on his face.

I gulped down looking at him.

"And why do you think so?" He asked me, staring straight into my soul.

"Because all of sudden you are buying me such expensive things, treating me like I'm your girl and -" I paused, realising what I just spit.

A grin formed on his lips as he twitched his lips and smirked.

My heart started beating rapidly inside my chest when he leaned closer to me and placed his hand on the wall beside me.

"Are you my girl then?" His husky deep voice sent shivers into my souls as our eyes never left each other.

For a moment his eyes broke the eye contact and fell on my lips while I unintentionally did the same.

All that lump of saliva forming in my throat as if I was thirsty.

My mind slapped me immediately and I pushed him by hitting on his chest.

"I would rather die than to be your girl." He let out a chuckle at my words and held me by my waist and pressed me against the wall.

Our torso collided together while his grip on my waist was freaking tight.

He looked deep into my eyes while I let out a breathy moan out of his sudden action.

His eyes were siren with anger filled in them and one more thing that I don't know what.

"If I wanted you to be mine - "

he paused for a second while he let out a breathy sigh staring at my lips as I licked them out of nervousness.

"- I would've done that by the second you fell from your bike." His deep voice sent heavens to the eggs of mine.

"Exactly, that's why I said you are a rude brat. Just look at yourself thinking you can wrap any girl around your fingers." I stated straight looking into his eyes as he smirked, shifting his gaze to the side and came back to mine once again.

"Isn't that true though? Don't you feel hot all of sudden?" He spoke as he looked,no sorry,stared into my eyes.

He's right. My cheeks are burning up.

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