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zhang hao sinks into his chair, sighing after the long meeting with jihun and his parents. unlike what you think, the parents were more than happy to side with the manager and promised to discipline their child to deal with his feelings.

as much as he didn't want to, hao knew that jihun couldn't stay here any longer. it wasn't just yesterday's incident, that only confirmed his thoughts. he had noticed that for the past few months, the student had fallen into a slump and the passion in his eyes vanished. staying here would only drag him down further.

"how did the meeting go?"

hanbin's voice brings him out of the daydream and hao looks up, seeing the instructor stroll into the office.

"obviously i had to have jihun leave the studio but besides that, the parents were really cooperative."

"that's good, i've heard some stories of guardians getting angry over their child," the younger takes a seat. "are you still good for tonight? jiwoong hyung has a reservation at a restaurant for us."

"yep, matthew texted to meet at 6:15," the manager checks his phone to confirm the time. "taerae said he could close up the studio tonight, so that's one less thing to worry about."

"hyung, do you need to go home before getting to the place?"

"no, i brought everything i need here," hao gestures to a corner with his backpack. "why?"

"then, do you want to head to the restaurant together? i can drive us."

"that'll be great, you don't need to go home?"

"i do but i only live 7 minutes from here. i'll go and change then come back to pick you up."

"you don't have to if it's going to add an extra step, i can take a taxi."

"hyung, i said it's fine," hanbin makes eye contact with hao, the latter staring back at the strong gaze.

"but, i don't want to be a bother-"

"you won't be, it's on the way to the restaurant anyways."

"hey hao, i got something- oh sorry, i can come back later," taerae enters but immediately backtracks when seeing the duo inside.

"no, it's fine, i was about to leave right now," hanbin gets up as he goes to exit. "bye hao hyung, i'll pick you up later."

the chinese waves while trying to ignore the eyebrow raise from his friend, who immediately flounces to the open spot and sets down a stack of files.

"oh my god, are you guys going on a date?!"

"what the heck, no!" hao denies as he tries to calm his blush down. "matthew is having the dinner thing today and hanbin offered to give me a ride there."

"ugh, i feel so bad on missing out tonight," the vocal instructor pouts and slumps in his chair.

"just have fun on your date," hao reassures him. "and be sure to give me all the details afterwards."

"are you sure this is a good idea? i can't believe i let matthew drag me into this," the younger lays his head on the table. "the last time i went on a blind date, the dude brought me to a fish cafe and he fell in."

"don't worry about that. matt said junhyeon is spunky but he knows his limits."

"anyways, enough about me, what about you?"

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