Jealousy and More

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Taeyeon stirred from her sleep as she heard her phone rang and vibrated at the same time on the nightstand beside her bed. She looked at the digital clock beside it and it read 5:30. She ignored the first ring and it went off. She looked at the girl beside her who's still hugging her, after safely pulling the sleeping girl in for a tighter hug, she deciced to sleep again as she felt her heavy eyes slowly fall.

Buing Buing~

TaeTae saranghae~


Taeyeon woke up again for the incessant ringing of her phone. She looked back up from the digital clock and it read 5:45. The call must be important to have it so early. She reluctantly stretched her arm carefully as to not awaken the girl and snatched her phone off the nightstand. She swiped her thumb on the screen and read the caller ID: Manager oppa.

"Manager oppa, annyeong."

"Annyeong Taeyeon, sorry to disturb your sleep. Just wanna tell you that you have schedule today.."

"Jinja oppa? I thought it's our rest day today." Taeyeon sighed. She needed more sleep than she ever was before. 

"Don't worry Taeyeon, you will not perform. You all will be todays guests in Radio Star. I know how tired you all are but you'll just sit and talk there. Less stress."

"Arasso oppa, what time oppa?"

"9 Tae, i'll pick you up at 8:30 okay?" 

"Arasso oppa."

Taeyeon ended the call. She looked up the clock again. 6:00. She slowly retracted her arm under the red-haired girls' head. She got up carefully from the bed and covered the sleeping girl in her blanket as she saw the girl curled up. She went to the bathroom, washed her face and brushed her teeth. As soon as she finished, she got out from the room and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the girls.

As soon as she reached the kitchen, she started preparing the ingredients for their breakfast. She's going to make tuna fried rice. 

"Good Morning unnie.." Seohyun greeted as she walked past Taeyeon and opened the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"Woah! You scared me Joohyun!" Taeyeon turned her head to the maknae with her lame but cute shocked expression.

"Eh unnie mianhe. You're up so early unnie." The maknae said as she busied herself too making Ma juice. Her daily drink supplement.

"Oh Joohyun, we're going to guest today in Radio Star. Could you wake up the others maknae?" Tae asked without even looking at her as she was still busy preparing for the girls' breakfast.

"Jinja? Arasso unnie!" the maknae beamed in excitement. She ran off like a crazy kid who got a new toy. It was not so maknae-like. This left Taeyeon dumbfounded but she shrugged it off and continued her cooking.

After 15 minutes, Taeyeon had finished making tuna fried rice and maknae was also done making her Ma juice. Yuri came and helped too. She gulped down a glass of Ma juice prepared by maknae. She helped Taeyeon set the table and the food. After awhile, the rest of the members started to show up in the dining room and took a seat.

"Good Morning TaeTae." Tiffany greeted as she made her way to Taeyeon and sat beside her. Taeyeon just smiled and nodded.

"Only Taeyeon got a greeting? What are we?" Hyoyeon said in a rather disappointed tone and pulled off a sad face. Tiffany only flashed her with her famous eye-smile.

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