Don't trick me!

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Taeyeon's mission to talk with Fany failed. She wasn't able to catch up with her because of her short legs. Even if she looked around the neighborhood, she haven't seen Fany's shadow. She also stopped by the videoke bar where they used to go but no sign of Tiffany. And so, the poor soul decided to go home for it was getting dark and she's tired for hours of walking and searching.

Taeyeon jogged up the stairs to their dorm. She punched in the code. A sound of click was heard and the door opened. She went in with her head hung low and removed her shoes. Just when she looked up..she fell back in horror and felt her soul left her poor body.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHH" she screamed in five octaves high and fainted.

All the girls inside the dorm came out rushing to where the scream was. All of them wore shocked faces. Taeyeon's lifeless body fell limp on the floor. Tiffany was the first to approach Taeyeon. She held her in her arms and lightly tapped Tae's cheeks. Everyone was panicking. They don't know what to do. Well, none of them has moved from their places yet. They were too shocked. They spoke all at once so none of them understood each other.

"EVERYONE! CALM THE FUCK DOWN! I GOT THIS!" Jessica calmly walked towards Taeyeon's body. She knelt down and slapped Taeyeon's face hard.

Sounds of gasps was heard from behind.

"YAH! JESSICA JUNG!" Fany shot daggers at Jessica but the latter didn't even flinched.

"I guess it wasn't strong enough." Jessica simply replied.

Fany rolled her eyes and looked intently at Taeyeon's pale face. "Taetae don't leave me~" Fany mumbled softly.

"CPR her!" Sooyoung suggested.

"I will do it! I'm good at it!" Yuri volunteered and walked closer to Taeyeon's body. But was smacked by Jessica.

"No freaking way Kwon." Jessica said in gritted teeth, balling her fist in anger.

Yuri cowered and slowly stepped back and hid behind Yoona.

"Yah! She just fainted you babo!" Sunny shook her head and heaved a sigh.

"Let's let her lie down on the couch and wait till she regains conciousness unnies~ "

As expected from the most sensible among the bunch of senseless people, they obeyed maknae Seohyun. Yuri carried Taeyeon and laid her on the couch with her head on Fany's lap. The latter was fanning her cutie Taetae.

15 minutes later..

Taeyeon stirred and slowly opened her eyes. She squinted a bit and adjusted her eyes from the lighting. When she was finally able to have a clear vision, eight pair of eyes was staring back at her, their faces close..too close for comfort. She jolted up and moved away a bit.

"What the hell happened?" Taeyeon asked curiously.

"You fainted." The girls replied in unison.

"Why did you faint Tae? What happened?" Tiffany asked with a hint of worriedness in her voice.

Taeyeon cocked her head to the door and pointed at something. "That! That scared the hell out of me!" She fumed in anger but still looking cute.

Everyone stared at what she pointed. Sooyoung and Yuri screamed in shock, they hugged and screamed some more.. Sunny, Yoona and Hyoyeon was laughing and Jessica only had a blank expression on her face, not giving a damn.

"A wig? Isn't that yours Seohyun?" Fany asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Ne unnie~ i washed it and hang it on the window to dry. I don't know how it got there." Seohyun innocently explained.

"Who put that there!" Taeyeon asked in complete seriousness but failed to intimidate the girls for her ever cute face betrayed her.

Everyone looked at each other but one stifled laugh escaped someone's mouth. Taeyeon quickly glanced from where the sound came from and her eyes locked on Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon ran to her room in a speed of lightning. Taeyeon followed behind but failed miserably.

"OPEN UP HYO! OPEN UP!" she repeatedly hit on the door which later turned to punches and was accompanied with kicks like a kid.

The rest of the girls left ignored Taeyeon's banting. They all sat in the living room and watched "The Art of Seduction".

"What's for dinner unnies~?" Yoona suddenly interrupted the people who were watching intently.

"Let's just order since Taeyeon and Hyoyeon are occupied." Sooyoung excitedly said as she wriggled her brows at her fellow shikshin, Yoona.

"I will cook! I can do it!" Yuri jumped up from her seat and presented herself with a lovely bright smile like a pro.

"Sure, I offer my share to whoever wants." Jessica sarcastically said and smirked.

"ANDWAEEEEEEE!" the two shikshins shook their heads furiously.

"Who wants to just order food?" Yuri asked.

Everyone raised their hands. So it was decided. While Yuri sat back and slumped on the couch feeling degraded and demeaned. Poor Yuri. The girls had only one thought on their minds. Yuri cooks food and offers it. But it tastes bad and it's so burdensome.

Their order came and set it on the table. They called the two danshins who were still in a child war. Everyone was seated. Taeyeon lifelessly dragged her feet to her chair which happens to be beside Fany. But Fany ignored the kid leader and just ate her food. The others were chatting but Tiffany and Taeyeon was awkwardly silent. Taeyeon even stole glances at the girl beside her but the girl didn't paid any attention.

Taeyeon finished her food first. She got up and placed her dish on the sink and went to her room. She sat on her bed and took her phone on the nightsand. She unlocked the screen and tapped on an application. She played with her phone for an hour.

Taeyeon was dying of boredom and playing the same game for an hour didn't even helped. She hastily got up and reached the knob. She stepped out of the room but was stopped when she heard something.

"Psst! TaeTae~!" A figure from behind the door of the room in the far end called.

"Eh?" Taeyeon was reluctant to obey but she slowly walked to it.

"Come Taetae~" The girl called again.

"Tippani~?" Taeyeon stopped in front of the door looking confused.

"Come here taetae~..Get in my room. It'll be fun. I got your dookong~" and Fany flashed her to die for infamous eyemile.

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