It's not's me

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Music blaring against the four walls of the SMent practice room. Lights flickered in constant speed. Sweaty bodies on the floor, limbs on each other. A sound of loud clapping and thunderous laughter could be heard. A cute whining and barking above the deafening chaotic sound.

Practice session.

This is how the girls usually spend their practice. This is what always happen within those walls.

4 hours.

They have been practicing for hours since early in the morning for their new dance routines of their new album that has yet to be released.

What was meant to be a breaktime after long hours of dancing turned to be an impromptu disco.

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung was popping in the middle of the dance floor. Yuri and Yoona on the sides doing random lifts and twist, feeling the beat of the played music. The rest laying on the floor laughing madly at their other dorky members.

When the music finally ended, the four dorks collapsed on the floor, panting tiredly and fanning their worn out faces from exhaustion.

Seohyun approached her unnies and gave them their much desired water to refresh them and  wear off the dryness in their throats. Seohyun even had the heart to wipe off Yoona's face from sweat and even blew Yoona's damp forehead to dry more easily. Her unnies could only look in bewilderment.

"Yah maknae~! me too please~~~" Yuri leaned her sweaty face towards maknae and batted her eyes.

Seohyun stared at her unnie's face for a moment. After a few seconds, she lifted her free hand with a tissue to wipe Yuri's face. As she did so, Yoona pushed Seohyun's hand hard enough for Yuri to fall back onto the floor. Yoona glared at Yuri but the latter was already rolling on the floor clutching her stomach and laughing so hard at something that the maknae's didn't get. The other members were laughing with Yuri as well.

"Yuri~ want me to wipe yours?" Jessica suddenly offered which caused the laughter to die down the moment she spoke.

"Uhhh....." Yuri sat up and trailed off for a moment.

Suddenly, a bottle of half empty water came flying off past the heads of the other members towards the oblivious girl.

A perfect hit on her forehead.

"OWWWWW~! Who did-" Yuri trailed off again as she saw Jessica's red flaming eyes shooting daggers at her. She instantly hid behind Sooyoung's back to avoid the invisible daggers.

No one wanted to come in between. No one..wait there's one..two..three poor souls who made an annoying noise as it came running around the girls.

Ginger, Prince and Dubo were chasing and barking at each other which ticked off an already annoyed certain blondie.

"Quit barking you annoyingly cute creatures or i'll tie you up and roast you in fire!" Jessica huffed in frustration.

The respected owners immediately secured their precious cute babies in their arms and turned their backs on the ice princess.

"Yah Sica~! Don't scare them off lke that! Hmp!" Sunny playfully knocked Jessica's head which the latter glared back.

"..and stop's not effective on me anymore. HAHAHAHA!" Sunny added.

"Whatever Sunny. I hate your aegyo face." Jessica retorted.

"Awww i love you too Sicaaa~~~!"

"Shut up!"

"I love you Sica~" This time Sooyoung chimed.

"I love you Sica unnie~" Yoona butted in too.

"I love you frenemy.." Hyoyeon also joined and provoked the girl.

"ENOUGH!" Jessica angrily replied. She was about to rip her members hair out in frustration.

"I..I- love you Si-Sica baby~" Yuri shyly said peeking at Jessica behind Sooyoung's back.

Jessica felt a tug in her heart. Spoken in almost a whisper yet loud enough to reach her ears which in turn made her ears red in embarrassment and cheeks flushed and felt hot for reasons she know yet doesn't want to acknowledge.

Jessica quickly stood up and left the practice room.

A burst of laughter was soon made. Making fun of the ice princess was something they don't usually do since the girl always had a bad temper or is usually slow to catch on. Yuri was the key~!

After a few minutes of good laugh. A phone suddenly rang.

Taeyeon who was playing with Ginger stopped for a moment to look at her phone. She smiled before she pressed the phone on her ear.

"Oppa~! What's up?" Taeyeon cheekily grinned.

The other girls turned their heads to Taeyeon's direction. Anticipation growing as the seconds pass by.

"Oh really? sure...I'd love too! when? okay..just us? mmkay..see you later oppa~!" Taeyeon chirped happily as she ended the call and turned back her attention towards the cute black poodle.

"Taetae..who was it? Jiwoong oppa?" Tiffany asked curiously hoping it's not someone she thought of.

"No was Kangin oppa~ He invited me to lunch later." Taeyeon smiled at the girl and then resumed her attention to her puppy.

"You two always go out. Are you two dating?" Fany questioned again.

"No, why?"

"Just asking. Is he pursuing you again?"

"I don't know Fany. We're just hanging out."

"ARE YOU SURE?" Fany unconciously yelled at Taeyeon which surprised the shorty.

"I guess..I don't know.. He's always been just nice to me."


"Uhh.. because i don't know! What's wrong with me hanging out with him? And..are you mad? Why are you yelling at me? And why do you always question me whenever I go out with someone? Like last time I went out with Heechul oppa. They're my friends! And whenever I go out with them you always get weird and then you start to ignore me  as if I don't exist and be all nice with me again the next day. Is something wrong? You like one of them or you wanted to hang out with them too? Is it bad for me to go out? should I just stay home or what? What?!"

"I'm sorry. It's okay Taetae.. You can go out and hangout with your friends as much as you can..There's nothing wrong with's not''s me.."

Tiffany stood up and walk towards the door. Taeyeon could only watch at the retreating back of the girl she just argued with.

She didn't know what to do.

Her questions were left hanging.

And she doesn't know what she should feel.

The door of the practice room finally closed in.

The eye-smiling girl disappeared on the other side of the door..leaving her clueless.

And Taeyeon can do nothing about it.

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