Chapter 6 - I have to go...

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"Sshhh little witch", he cooed to her, caressing her hair. "Do not let your insecurity get to you right now", Sasha looked up into his warm eyes and the insecurity melted away. She felt as if she finally came home and she knew he felt the same way. But there was something called reality, which they had to face soon enough. Looking at him she could not help but ask; "Why me? Out of millions of women and even men admiring you, wanting to be with you, why me? I'm nothing special" He arched his eyebrows,with disbelief. "I'm sorry Sasha, but you have to be kidding me". He pushed her away at arm's length a bit, looked at her naked body and ended up staring at her face, before pulling her back into his embrace. Gently he stroke the back of her head and whispered in her ear: "Didn't I already say it? You have bewitched me. From your head to your toes, you're beautiful. As a singer I loved the sound of your voice, but as a man, the moment you smiled at me I was lost and I knew it was you I had been missing all along". Sasha tilted her face to give him a sweet kiss on his soft lips, which he answered by pulling hereven closer to him. "But what do we do now?" she said. "For now, you have to go back home and I have to go back on tour. Tomorrow the band and I leave for theUS..." a sad look came over him, as if he hated the thought of leaving. "When we come back to Europe I'll contact you again, because I want to see you again and I wasn't lying about you joining us". Sasha smiled at him and said: "Okay, but then, you have to let me go, so we can get dressed". While she was getting dressed, something started bugging her. If he wanted her to join them, then why not arrange for her to come along to the US? He dressed himself in some worn down sweatpants and a hoody, he looked incredibly hot in it and Sasha blushed. He noticed and snaked an arm around her waist. "Don't look at me like that, or you won't make it back home tonight". He laughed a bit hoarse, which revealed the passion stirring the surface once again. "I hate that you have to leave me for now, but you will never leave my thoughts or my soul anymore". She gave him a quick kiss, pulled his arm away, turned around, opened the door and started to walk to the canteen area. "Sasha!" He yelled. She looked over her shoulder and he was standing in the doorway, looking gorgeous as hell. "I'll come for you, you are mine now!" And then, he whispered, more to himself than to her: "And I am yours". Sasha sent him a faint smile and as her eyes started to fill with tears again, she turned her head and walked on.

Her sister was just leaving the canteen as Sasha walked up. "Heeeey sister! How you doin! I just had the time of my life and yeah I owe it all to yoouuhoooo". Oh my god, she was totally mental and despite of her own very confused state, Sasha started laughing."Oh nothing much, on my way to pick you up and to tell you, that I will probably be a part of the band real soon". She grinned at her little sister,who for once in her life was dead quiet. "Wow, Sash that is fucking cool!"Nathalie started to jump around and grabbed her arms to get her to jump along. "Yeah well, it will probably happen when they return from their US tour, at least that's what Tobias said."As she was saying this, Sasha started to rub the back of her neck and Nathalie finally snapped out of her rush and paid attention to the appearance of her big sister. "What happened back there Sash? You look like you've visited heaven and went to hell straight after". Sasha side eyed her and said: "Pff Nath, you could say that, you could definitely say that". They walked outside of the venue, where they took the first taxi in line. The entire way, they didn't say a word and Sasha kept her gaze to the outside. Thinking back to what happened between him and her. It had felt like a dream, but on the other hand it was of course all too real. She knew that the instant bond she felt between them WAS real and she knew for certain HE had felt it too. But if so, why did he let her go, why didn't he keep her there and didn't he ask her to come with him for the remain of the tour, so they could celebrate their newfound partnership in life and in music. Or at least for this night. Could it be that he noticed HER insecurity about what happened? And maybe, Sasha, he felt the same way? He said, that it was not something he would usually do. It could very well be, that he was just as insecure as she was? At that moment the taxi stopped at their hotel and Sasha and Nathalie got out. "Okay sis, lets order some drinks in our room and then you start talking? How about that"? Sasha looked at her sister gratefully. "That's sounds good. I could really use a drink or two, maybe even three."

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