Chapter 11 - in the afterglow

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They went out to a nice grill restaurant and while eating her steak Sasha noticed how hungry she had really been. She had been eating badly for weeks now and she was absolutely starved. "Oh this steak is just heavenly, I could eat at least one more" Sasha giggled. They were really enjoying each other's company throughout the evening and were just having fun. Talking about childhood memories of the girls when they were little. Both men laughed at the memory of the girls first time skating on natural ice. Sasha tried to be the brave one and as Nathalie slipped and almost fell down, Sasha tried to keep her on her feet and fell down herself, pulling her sister with her along the way. The boys talked about one gig where Swiss does his shimmy during Dance Macabre and Papa backs away. But he turned back a little to quick, while Swiss was still in the middle of his moves, therefore hitting Papa in the eye with his shoulder. The crowd loved it, but it hurt like hell. Thank god for his mask and make up,because Tobias had a black eye, which lasted a good two weeks. Before they knew it, it was time to leave. At least the owner of the restaurant asked them politely if there was any more they wanted, because they were planning to clean the kitchen. "Just the bill please," Tobias said, took Sasha's hand in his and planted a kiss on the back of it. After he paid the bill, the group walked outside to get a taxi. When they arrived at the apartment, Swiss asked the taxi driver to wait outside, because they had to get their luggage from upstairs. So the girls accompanied them up and back outside again. Sasha gave Tobias a big kiss on the lips and said: "I'll see you tomorrow sunshine, we'll have breakfast together here at Nathalie's', let's say around 10 AM?" "Hmmm, I can't wait little witch." And he kissed her back, giving her a little bite in her bottom lip. The guys got in the car and drove away and while Nathalie already went inside, Sasha kept waving until she couldn't see the taxi anymore. But when she wanted to turn around to go inside, she felt eyes watching her. They seemed to come from across the street, but she couldn't see anyone. A shiver climbed down her spine, but she shrugged her shoulders thinking it was just her imagination again, turned around and walked back into the apartment. A figure stepped out of the shadows balling his hands into fists. "You little tease." He hissed. "How dare you make out with another man. You belong to me!" He turned around and walked away from the apartment.

Inside Nathalie's cosy apartment, the girls opened abottle of wine and sat down on the couch. "Oh Nath, I feel so stupid," as Sasha smacked herself on the forehead. "He never did anything wrong and I was sooo angry at him, making a fool of myself in that stupid club, with that ghastly excuse of a man." She buried her face in her hands. Nathalie put one hand on her sisters shoulder. "In all honesty Sash, every self-respecting woman, would probably had the same reaction. So I'd like to make a toast. Here's to your new found love and the men who brought it to us." The girls clinked their glasses together and Sasha arched her eyebrows. "To us? Little sister? Something you need to tell me?" Nathalie blushed as she turned her head away from the probing look her sister gave her. "Well, it's still very new and were just starting to get to know each other, but yeah I like him a lot." She clenched her hands together and Sasha had never seen her sister so insecure. "Nath, that's great news! I am so happy you found someone who matches your craziness!" And they both started laughing. "I'll drink to that any day!" Sasha smirked and they both took another sip from their glasses. "So what was it like?"Nathlie asked. "Very different from the first time." Sasha replied. "It had nothing to do with fucking, but all the more with making love, if you know what I mean." Nathalie looked interested. "Not yet sis, but I'm hoping to find out soon enough" and she winked at Sasha. "I really hope so Nath, for you sake. Because this was mind-blowing and changed me to the core. I just know for sure I love that man and I want to be with him. This is love eternal." She stared outside with dreamy eyes, before turning to her sister. "Let's go to bed, so it'll be morning soon and we get to see our men." The girls headed to their bedrooms giggling along the way. When Sasha laid her head down, she thought back to when she first saw Tobias again today. He was so handsome and had looked so worried. When he talked to her through the door, she could hear the stress in his voice, the longing...when they made love, she was sure to have soared off to heaven, only to come down into the arms of the man she instantly fell in love with. Yes, she loved him, she could long for him forever, say his name forever, because he had touched her soul forever. Morning couldn't come soon enough and she closed her eyes and fell asleep. 

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