Chapter 8 - Mixed signals

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Since after the ritual, Sasha tried to move on to her daily business. She went to work as she did before, but was never quite...there...She went shopping with her sister, but was not quite....there...When she smiled, it never quite reached her eyes as it used to. "How long until they come back to Europe?"Nathalie asked. "Another three weeks and two days". Sasha answered. "Okay sis,this means that we have to go out a lot more, to kill some time for you. Before you know it, the three weeks have passed and your sexy singer will be back in your arms, begging you to come with him." Sasha looked at her sister and replied softly: "I hope so Nath, I hope he didn't forget about me. It has been three weeks and I haven't heard anything from him. I know he didn't get my number, but for god sakes Nath, It's the 21 century! He could have found out couldn't he?" The sisters went on to the next shop, where Sasha bought some nice lingerie, because a girl needs to pamper herself sometimes and Sasha loved the feeling of lace on her body. When she finally came home, after the long day shopping her ass off, she felt somewhat lighter that before. Nathalie was right, they should go out more often,her idiotic sister always knew how to lift her spirits. Sasha plunged onto hercouch and turned on the television. There he was, as a guest at a late nightshow. "So Tobias", the host started. "Your new cover is Stay, which is starring Patrick Wilson. I can imagine that it will be difficult to perform this songwith him on stage, since he is an actor and busy recording his new movie".Sasha could not take her eyes of the screen, okay this was it...would he mention her or not. "Well," he started: "we probably have a stand in for him. It's alady who sing the part beautifully. However, it's still an uncertain possibility because, Swiss could sing the part as well." And there it was, as soon as he mentioned HER, he dropped another bomb by saying it could also very well be Swiss singing the part. " and may I ask who this lady is?" The host asked. "You may ask, but I still won't tell you", Tobias laughingly replied. "Not until the decision has been made." Okay, would he want to check it with her? Or what? Sasha was confused by his reaction. Her phone started ringing, it was Nathalie, but she didn't want to answer her. She was too distracted at the sight of him and trying to figure out the meaning of his words. Half and half she had expected him to announce her as the singer and his lover, girlfriend, whatever. But what right did she have to expect this from him. He was literally not hers, he told her she was his, but he never said this he was hers as well.

The interview came to an end and the last question the host asked him was of course about his love life. "Are you currently seeing someone Tobias?" Tobias looked into the camera. "Well I'm literally not seeing someone right now, but I wish I would be". The host laughed:"A cripted answer from a illusive man, thank you for this interview Tobias. Ladies and gentlemen, Tobias Forge aka Ghost!" the crowd started to applause. Sasha watched him as she started to feel numb. Seeing nobody? and he wishes he would be! She clenched her hands together. Clearly she was not on his mind or in hisheart for that matter. Not once did he mention or hinted at a certain someone.He didn't have to mention her name! He just could have said, that there was someone, but that it was very new...orthat they were just getting to know each other, or..... well something! Tearsstarted to fill her eyes. Damn it! Stupid tears! Her phone started to ringagain and expecting it to be Nathalie she answered with a soft and choked voice:"Hi Nath," It was quiet on the other side of the line. "Sasha?" It was him...Sasha almost dropped her phone, grabbing into the couch for support and heldher breath. "Yes?" she repliedwith a squeaky voice. "I am sorry, you'll probably don't know who this is, butit's me Tobias." He sounded tired and a bit disappointed, she didn't recognisehim right away. "Hi Tobias, I didn't expect to hear from you before youreturned. How did you get my number?" Tobias answered in a hoarse voice: "Didyou really think I wouldn't call? I had Swiss ask your sister. She gave him hernumber. But it took him a while before he thought about it to tell me that." Ohthat was the reason Nathalie tried tocall her before, of course. She had wanted to give her a heads up. "Well it hasbeen three weeks without any word from you Tobias and on the interview just now, you did say that you weren't seeing somebody and that Swiss would probably sing the part of good sister. So I actually don't know what to think...."She could hear him growl through the phone and she could just imagine him running his fingers through his hair. "I wanted to contact you before, but between the shows and getting your number, it was a bit hard to be given the time, little witch." His voice was lowered to a soft pleading sound. Sasha shivered at the way he called her by her pet name. He continued talking. "I already started missing you when you left the venue and that feeling kept getting worse. I can't stop thinking about that evening, about you in my arms the way your lips felt on mine. The way you looked and how it felt to be inside you,Sasha. Damn it... I want you." Sasha was completely shocked by his confession and she gasped for air. Silently she started crying, not knowing how to react."Tobias, I ...I felt so lost without's like a part of me was left behind with you that evening. I don't feel complete anymore and I miss you and your arms around me." He hummed with pleasure on the other side of the line."Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. It's crazy if you think about it. We only met three weeks ago, were only together for an evening and you're already on my mind 24-seven. Ican't wait to take you in my arms and to not let you go for.. well let's say at least a day or two." Sasha started to relax a little bit and giggled over his last comment. "Mhm, I would say at least three days, because Tobias...when I get my hands on you again, I won't let go for at least that long." She heard him take a deep breath on the other side of the line. "Oh little witch, I'm going to hold you up on that promise. I have to go now, but I hope to call you again soon. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to."

He started grinning. Oh yeah she definitely was a little witch, but even more, she was his little witch. He couldn't wait to see her again and with a smile he hung up the phone. He was on his way to the tour bus, when a fan jumped in front of him. She was tall, blond, had implants the size of watermelons. Her smile promised him, she was up to no good. "Oh hi."He said. "Hi Papa, I wanted to see you forever and now you're here!" She jumped up and down, making her watermelons bounce. This wasn't doing anything for him.She was nothing like his Sasha, who was the embodiment of female beauty, had curves in all the right places and a smile that could make an angel blush. This woman, was utterly and totally fake. But that didn't stop her from jumping onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. "I am sorry miss, I don't mind taking a picture with you, but you have to let go now." And he started to untangle her from his body. But while he focused on getting her legs of him, she took the opportunity to peck him on the lips. Thank god he was still wearing his papal mask and costume. "Uhm miss.." "I'm Tammy Papa and I looove you so much! Would you like to come with me? You can use me any way you want" Finally he got her off of him. "Sorry Tammy, but I am not interested. If you want, you can take a picture, but then I have to go."Tammy stood next to him and held him tight as her friend took a picture. "I'll cherish this picture forever Papa!" She yelled after him, as he quickly got on the bus. That was a downside of fame. Occasionally he would meet some fanatic fans, who would have the complete wrong idea of him. It wasn't pleasant, but thank god, most of the Ghost fans were fantastic people, who were just perfectly themselves and respected him and the band members. He didn't think about this fan anymore and they moved on to the next city. 

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