Lilith 'Ghost' Mackenzie

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After I took him out slicing the mans neck clean and pushing his dead body out of the way of the isle giving Coyote a nod as he took off towards the cock pit to keep the plan from crash landing into the freezing water below.

I felt the wind knocked out of me for a split second and that was when I saw one of the terrorist was above me trying to land a hit against the side of my head.

I quickly moved my head the last second as I use my hips to move the fucker off me as I quickly grabbed the knife that was on his belt and with a one quick movement I had him laying on the ground dead in a pool of his own blood.

I felt the warm metallic blood over my face and arms as I stood up on shaky legs, and when I saw Coyote was fighting against the one who was trying to crash the plane, I quickly flipped the blade in my hand throwing the knife watching it soar in the air landing directly in the back of the fuckers head.

I watched Coyote push him to the side and giving me a nod in thanks, as I returned towards the back of the plane where I saw both Wolf and the other member of my new team tying up the last of the terrorist who they had subdued.

"Ghost! Get me the co pilot!" the three of us looked at each other silently agreeing we will talk about this after we land safely down somewhere.

"Hey, sir. We need your help with flying this plane to safety." I softly said, knelt before the young pilot before me.

I quickly helped him up, and before I could move one of the guys who was tied up got loose and that was when I quickly pushed the young co pilot towards the cock pit as I took quick action tackling the fucker to the ground.

I quickly arranged myself above his head wrapping my thighs around his head cutting off his air flow and with a quick move of my thighs I snapped his neck killing him instantly.

"Holy, shit!" I locked my eyes with the other man before me who was impressed staring at me with respect in his dark eyes.

"Ghost?" I shook my head as Wolf helped me to my feet as we both looked over to see Coyote was now standing near us breathing a bit heavily.

"Yeah?" I softly said, letting out a small groan feeling my adrenaline start to settle down when I felt how sore my ribs were from being tackled harshly to the ground.

"Are you okay, Ghost?" I gave Coyote a quick nod, leaning my body weight against Wolf who held me close to his side as we all peeked out the small window to see we were near the air strip in Las Vegas.

"Well, this was fun and all and my side is fucking killing me." I swore out hissing from the pain in my sides.

I watched all three men shake their heads amused with my outburst, and that was when the LVPD and medical personnel came aboard to help get the injured off the plane first.

What I was not expecting was to be carefully lifted into a pair of strong arms as the four of us walked off the plane with a few FBI agents following behind us trying to get us to tell them what happened aboard the plane.

"Rest, Ghost we have your back and my name is Hyena." I sighed finally feeling able to rest after the whole ordeal while, I let Hyena carrying me to wherever we needed to be.

* * * * * *

"Can you four tell us one more time what happened and how did you know what was going to happen?" I stared blankly, glaring at the idiot FBI agents, wanting to fucking shoot or better yet maybe see their bodies be blown into little bloody pieces.

"We already told you what we can, and unfortunately we can not disclose anymore than what we have." Coyote barked out pushing them out of the hotel room we have been staying in for the time being.

"I swear those fuckers are going to be nothing but a pain in our asses." I blinked slowly at Coyote and before I could even stop myself, I burst out laughing clutching my sides as I watched on amused with how Coyote was ranting and raving up a storm as he moved about the room.

"Coyote, chill. Ghost should not be over doing it with her bruised ribs." I leaned my head against Wolf side as we both watched our two teammates argue and tackle each other to the ground trying to out do the other in the wrestling match. "I am going to call room service and order some food for us." I whispered to Wolf as he helped me to stand.

I quickly picked up the phone and called in room service telling them that we will need some food brought up and I told them what we all wanted.

After hanging up the call, we all heard a loud knock on the door, and before I knew what was happening Wolf tossed me a handgun and I quickly took of the safety crouching down near the door with Hyena now next to me in the same position on the opposite side.

I raised my handgun under my chin as I gave Coyote a quick nod as he slowly opened the door talking to whoever was on the other side.

I waited for the signal encase we need to subdue whoever it was and when Coyote shut the door, I sighed in relief seeing that it was room service who brought our meals very quickly I might add and that worried me a bit.

"Coyote, Wolf, Hyena. I don't think we should touch the food." I sternly said as I walked over to take a lid off with the three big burly men standing behind me.

I tried to keep my nerves at bay, feeling safe and for once I had someone or a few someone's who had my back.

I took off the lid I held when I caught the quick scent of some unknown drug laying all over the food. I put the lid back down and took a step back holding my ribs as the four of us began to talk in hush whispers on what the next course of action was to be taken as someone was now out to do some harm against a few Navy SEALs.

"I just sent a quick text to Hound, and he told me that we need to find a rental and drive back." Hyena told us, as we all agreed it would be the best and most likely the safest way to get back to base to inform our CO and the rest of the unit.

Wolf took it upon himself to help pack my carry-on bag and carry it out towards the rental truck that he quickly got in the last few hours we have been here.

I tried to ignore the pain as much as I could knowing how bruised my sides were and I will not slow down my team with this injury.

Saving Lilith: The Navy Seal Saving Series Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now