❛ XI ❜

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⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙




Harua squealed in exhilaration after noticing Jungwon. Jungwon shifted his gaze away from Melaine to Harua. A wide smile appeared on his face. Harua dropped his bag on a desk and rushed towards Jungwon, giving him a warm hug.

"I missed you idiot!"

Harua expressed his words with deep emotion. Jungwon chuckled at his statement, patting his head in awe.

"It was just five days"

"One twenty hours, that's a LOT"

He broke the hug looking at Jungwon with his bright bunny smile.


His smile fell. Concern filled his eyes instead when he noticed that.

"What's that on your nose?"

He gently touched the cut on Jungwon's nose. Jungwon hissed in pain, slightly jerking his body away. Jungwon was clueless. He touched the same spot on his nose where Harua had touched him. He felt a burning sensation on his nose when he did so. He immediately pulled his hand away.

"What's wrong with my nose-?"

Jungwon asked, completely unsure about the situation.

"Did you accidentally hit your nose on something sharp-? The cut looks pretty deep-"

Harua queried in fear and concern.

"I don't know.."

Jungwon replied as he kept touching that part of the nose despite it hurting him.

Weird. It was all right just before bed.


Sooyoung entered the empty classroom right after finishing her lunch at the cafeteria. She didn't have much food that day and returned back to the classroom earlier than the others. The she saw her partner dozed off, seated on the chair, resting on the desk.

Did he not have his lunch? Where's Harua?


She quietly called out attempting to receive a response. Her attempt failed. She tried again but this time a bit louder. It still failed. Or little did she think.

He slowly got back up from the desk, looking around the empty classroom. His eyes fell on Sooyoung. He was still sleepy, trying his best to process the situation.

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