❛ XXIV ❜ - 𝟐

705 37 75


𝙓𝙓𝙄𝙑 - 𝟐

The ride slowly moved. It went upwards, reaching a great height. The carts were now high up in the air and the whole city view could be seen from where they were. Jungwon looked down, amused by the view.

But not yet ready for the drop. He placed his hand closer to hers to hold it once the carts dropped.

It did. It fell vertically at an instant that caught the people who rode it off guard.

Fuck it, this is actually scary now.

Sooyoung screamed in joy whereas Jungwon had his eyes closed tight. With his eyes closed, he located for Sooyoung's hands. Once he found it, he grabbed her hands tightly, clutching it against his chest. He curled his head towards her arm. She could feel his heart racing very fast as the ride went through many twists and turns.

After a long journey in the roller coaster, it finally came back to its starting point. Everybody got out of it, followed by Sooyoung and Jungwon.

His body was trembling as he walked out.

"I'm never going on that shit ever again. I feel nauseous"

Sooyoung laughed at him in a friendly way, patting his back gently.

"Don't worry, that feeling will go soon"

He nodded, crunching down for a while.

"Where should we go next?"

He got back on his foot, asking her.

"The feeling's gone already?"

She raised a brow, amused.


He replied, waiting for her reply to his previous question.

"I don't..really know"

Sooyoung said, looking around for any other rides to go on.

Jungwon smirked, planning something mischevious.

"How about....the haunted house?"

Her eyes widened at his suggestion.

"No freakin way-!"

"Yesss, I wanna go to that"

He replied, still with the smirk.

"I wanna see you scared"

He added. Sooyoung nudged him, a little too hard.

Jungwon took a step backwards.

"I guess I'll go by myself then"

He said with a teasing grin on his face, shrugging his shoulders as he kept walking backwards, away from her.

"No- I'll come with you"

She sprinted to him, now walking alongside him. He turned around as they made their way towards the haunted tunnel.

Standing in front of it now, Sooyoung was skeptical, rethinking her choices.

"Should we really-?"

"Come on, don't be such a coward"

"Don't copy my sentences"

She side eyed him. He chuckled, walking into the tunnel first.


She followed his lead and also got into the tunnel, regretting it almost immediately. The door behind them shut close and the tunnel woke.

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