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⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙



Jungwon flinched at the sight, retreating his body away from him. Heeseung chuckled before he approached Jungwon closer and leaned on his knees right in front of him. He brought the knife to his jaw, placing the sharp tip right under his chin. Jungwon stared at the knife as Heeseung moved the knife along his jawline to his neck. It now stood on his chest. Jungwon gulped, understanding his fate.

But I can't let fate win against me.

Heeseung suddenly laughed, taking the knife away from him.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna kill you"

Heeseung said, gently slapping his cheeks twice. His hands cupped Jungwon's jaw right after and he pulled his face closer to his. A little smirk formed on the corners of Heeseung's lips.

"But these walls will"

Heeseung said before he stood back up and walked away

"What?!?! HEY COME BACK!!"

Jungwon yelled, struggling to get out of the ropes he was tied to. But none of his screams were helpful. Heeseung watched him from a distance, waiting for the room to do its thing.

A rash creaking sound emerged out of nowhere. Jungwon looked to his sides only to realise..THE ROOM WAS SHRINKING!

The walls were getting closer and closer as seconds passed. Jungwon panicked, trying to break out. But the more he tried, the more bruised his wrists got and he eventually gave up. He tried to get up and run away but that ended in failure too.


He yelled again, looking at Heeseung who just viewed the scene with amusement. He didn't reply leaving Jungwon is disbelief.

You filthy betrayer..

"You're too cruel...I'll get back to you one day I swear!"

"Not if you meet your demise today"

He winked at Jungwon who was wiggling around, trying to find a way to escape. The walls kept getting closer until they were two metres away from crushing him to his death.

At this point, everything seemed useless. Even getting out of the cuffs are gonna do nothing. The walls were a metre away from him. For one last time he looked in front of him. His final view was of Heeseung who stood there with his hands in his pockets. Jungwon exhaled, with tears forming in his eyes.

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