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⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙



Sora was walking through the hallways empty handed when she noticed someone familiar standing metres away from her. She didn't recognise the figure as he was facing his back at her. He slowly turned around, looking in every possible direction.

A faint blush appeared on Sora's cheeks upon seeing him as she approached the familiar someone.

"Hi Jungwon!"

She tied her hands to the back as she shot him a wide smile. He returned the smile.

"Hey Sora"

It was for a split second that Jungwon looked at her. The very next moment, he looked away, behind her, to their side, everywhere. Her smile dropped. She looked at him in a rather hurtful expression.

"Is something wrong? Are you looking for something?"


He mentioned. Sora felt a little awkward with that response. A hint of jealousy was visible in her eyes as she took a small step backwards.

"Who's that someone?"

She asked him, displaying an awkward fake smile on her face.

"Sooyoung. Have you seen her?"

He immediately answered her question. His eyes never meeting hers while she never looked away from him.

She chuckled.

"Computer room"


"That's where she is"

She replied, still staring at Jungwon. Her crush. Mild excitement overfilled his face.

"Thank you Sol!"

He shot a very cheerful smile at her before sprinting towards the computer room.

Sora stood there, clenching her fists. She let jealousy take the best of her as she stared at him leave to Sooyoung.


The door to the computer room screeched open revealing a curious Jungwon. A gush of cold air brushed past him. He peeked into the room to notice Sooyoung sitting in one of the cornered systems that people barely use anymore.

He slowly got himself inside, locking the door behind him. Sooyoung didn't seem to notice him yet. He mischievously smiled thinking of something. He tip toed his way towards where Sooyoung was seated. He crouched behind her chair waiting for the right moment to ambush.

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