❛ XXVI ❜

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⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙



She dramatically flinched and crawled back, startled by its appearance. The figure got closer and closer, shooting at her a wicked smile. Her lips trembling, she waved her hands in front of her to dismiss it from her sight. But it didn't. Her hands went right through it like it was made out of fog.

She loudly gasped, staring back at the figure which was now right next to her face. It's dark and blood shot eyes. Its watering mouth wide open and a ferocious gaze.


She screamed, crawling out of her bed frantically. Hopping off from it, she cornered herself to a corner of the room, trying to escape from what her eyes viewed. No help. The figure turned back at her, with its hunched shoulder, slender and tall physique. It ran towards her creepily (imagine the creature from backrooms here). She stood back up on her feet and immediately dashed out of the room, stumbling on her own foot a few times.

Panting heavily, she ran through the halls in the upstairs of her house, which were huge. Surprisingly, because her house wasn't that huge before. The pathway seemed endless. All she could do was run and never stop. There was never really an end. Light from nowhere illuminated the walls as she passed by it.

As she ran she took a glance behind her. The figure was gone. Her feet stopped running. She looked beside her, behind her, everywhere. But it was nowhere to be found. But something else was. She noticed a door beside her. A door that never existed before. She was a little skeptical about it.

However, curiosity filled her more as she opened the door swiftly...

Fuck it.

There she saw someone she never expected. And was never ready to see.

Someone who looked so much like her.


The buff male figure looked up at her with a pitiful face. His eyes were drowsy. His shoulders dropped down with a hunched back. His lips were pale and dry.

His lips parted but never spoke. She felt sadness tinge through her. That was her first time seeing her father in person after she grew up. She had only seen her father in pictures before. He left them the day Sooyoung was born.

But why is father here?

No matter how absurd and terrifying the thought was. She approached him. (Idiot, Soo). She let her emotions take the best of her. A step into the room and the door behind her shut. The room was pitch black.

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