chapter 1 (Back to School )

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Lilley was about to start 8th grade. She was at those final days of summer. Since her last day of 7th grade,she has been terrified. Her biggest fear is that her love for Damian might die if he isn't in one of her classes. Still she had high hopes. She went to the store to get her remaining supplies for school. Then, she saw Damian.

"Hey!" Damian shouted.

"Hi!" Lilley responded as Damian gave her a hug.

"So how have you been. I haven't seen you since June?" Damian asked.

"I'm fine. Just spending time with my family," Lilley replied. Really, spending time with family. I'm so lame- Lilley thought." How have you been?"

"Good,well I better find my mom,"
Damian replied.

"OK,nice see to see you,"Lilley said.
A day later.....
Something terrible had happend.

She was diagnosed with a disease that eventually Lilley could loose her hearing. She was devastated. She didn't want to become deaf. But what else could she do. She started to try to read peoples' lips.

"This is frustrating!"Lilley yelled. "How can I communicate with my friends,they can't sign!"Lilley yelled.

"It's going to be okay,"the therapist said.

"How is it going to be okay when I don't know when I'm going to stop hearing!" Lilley replied.

"Okay maybe that is enough for today," the therapist said.

Lilley bursts into tears. She asked herself why her. Why did this disease have to pick her? And now she is worried of what her friends were going to think of her. We're they going to laugh,be supportive or not be her friends anymore.

"What am I going to do,"

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