Chapter 13♡

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Sooo these chapter were originally written on the 27th, but it was released on the 28th so don't mind that (because I told ya'll I write two chapters on the 27th). So yeahhh, just enjoy the story!

Strong language, cussing, mention of murder attempts, yelling, child-like abuse, mention of dead person, running away from home

If any of these trigger you, don't read further!

You have been warned!
~Rengoku's pov♡~
I woke today to a sunny saturday morning. I get ready, while last night still mingles in my mind. I blush, not forgetting we almost kissed.

As I was ready I went downstairs and sah my father watching the news. Typical dad. I look inside of the fridge. Looks like we'll have to go to the store soon. Meh, I'll cook food today.

I took out a pan and started putting oik inside to cook eggs. Then I toast some bread for some grilled cheese. I know not that healthy, expecially in the morning but oh well. I got the grilled cheese done and put eggs inside as well.

I then place for everyone two grilled cheese's on the plate, filled our cups with orange juice and everyone got a bowl of salat. I prepare the table, as Senjuro joined my father and me downstairs. Until...

"Kyojuro!", father yelled from the living room. I went to him, a questioning look on my face. "What's up, dad?", I asked him. He looked at me concerned. With a concerned laced voice he asked: "Where did that boy take you last night?", he asked. Now Senjuro quietly eavtropped, making this all more embarrassing. I blush a pinkish tone.

"W-well he took me to this fancy restaurant, to which we had a great time and we had fun, we also went to a nearby park, until we decided to go home, why?", I respond him. He only looked more concerned.

"What was the name of the restaurant?", he asked me. Weird, why would he asked a such out of pocket question. This doesn't make sense. And should Senjuro be hearing all of this? "Well, it was really fancy, so you probably knoe it, it's called ******", I told him, confused as to why he needs that name.

But his eyes widden in respond, like he's seen a ghost. He became really pale. But then he suddenly became angry. "THAT MOTHERFUCKER, SON OF A BITCH, FIS HE TRY TO KILL YOU?!", father yelled at me. I flinched at this point, not used to being yelled at.

I heared silent whines from behind me. Senjuro! I ran to him, even to he was spying on us. He was letting out quiet tears and sobs. I hugged him tight resurring him it's all right. He only clutches tighter to me.

"Father, please stop yelling you're scaring Senjuro!", I looked at him warningly. I love my father dearly. I would die for him, but I love Senjuro more. I would kill anyone who dares to lay a finger on him. Even if it's my own father. My dad just looks at us apologizing.

Senjuro within my arms, I asked him what the big deal is. My father doesn't respond with words, but with actions. He rewinds some of the news. Then he shows me something that schocked me.

There was a news lady, in front of a kinda burned down place, while fire fighters are trying to safe what is left. She then started talking. "Hello and a good morning to all of Japan. I am Yuruna hijamati, (sorry for the name) your local news reporter. Yesterday a tradgety happened. The local expensive and successful restaurant ****** was set on fire yesterday at almost midnight. The police had not found any dead victims or clues as to what happend. A big suspection is that it was lit on purpose, but the reason was yet not found. The police is still on the search for the criminal. If you happened to know anything, feel free to call the police. This event happened last night at 11:56 a.m, on the 27 of July. This was all for today and I'll see you next time. Now onto the weather....", she went on, but father paused the TV.

He looked at me expectingly. Waiting and tapping his foot. "Well? Mind explaining why he was trying to kill you and why you still defend him?", he asked me. Wait- did he actually think Akaza set the place on fire!?

"Father it wasn't him I swear! He saved my life in fact! I was like possessed by the fire and couldn't move. If Akaza weren't there, I would be dead meat by now!", I explained to him, but he wasn't having it. "So Akaza...that's the murderers name?", he asked.

How can he think of Akaza as a murderer!? I look at my father unbelievably. "Listen, father, I don't want to argue here, but Akaza isn't a murderer", I told him.

"HE TRIED TO KILL YOU!", father yelled. I immediatly covered Senjuro's ears, as he held tightly onto my hands, preventing every bit of sound from entering his ears. "NO, HE DIDN'T I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM IS AND WHAT FUCKING PART YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!", I yelled back, standing up, not fearing my my father.

Senjuro quickly ran up the stairs. I heared him look the door to his room. My father and I continued argueing, until he slapped me in the face.

I was schocked and held the place, where he hit me. It was probably gonna leave a mark. "GO TO YOUR ROOM AND YOU'LL NEVER EVER SEE THAT BOY AGAIN IN ALL OF THE YEARS YOU LIVE!", he screamed, balling his fists.

I looked at him with angry eyes. "FINE, I CAN SEE WHY MOM WAS SO FED UP WITH YOU!", I yelled at him, running up the stairs and locking my room, before he can do something.

I leaned against the door, sliding silently down, as I began to cry. I then see my phone on my night stand and suddenly Akaza popped up in my mind. I went to my night stand and grabbed my phone and quickly texted Akaza, if I can stay at his hause for a while. He said it was fine, so I packed my bag.

Akaza sent my an andress, probably his and I escaped through the balcony. I began to run until I found my sweet relief. My relief away from my father. This is where I'll stay for the next time being.

I take a deep breath and knocked on the door. Akaza opened the door and was smirking at me. But as he saw my tears, his smile quickly fell and replaced with a frown full of worry.

"What happened?", he asked worried, as he invited me into his house. We sat down in the living room. He gave me time to recover, until I started to explain.

"So what happened was..."

So yeahhh sudden bursts of energies are cool, because I get motivation, but having 3% isn't cool. Probably will post another part because I'm not tired at all and I promised ya'll two parts. Even tho my sleep recently is fucked af, I'll keep going.

Also thank you all for over 300 reads this is crazy! Thank you all for your support and everything you've done. I hoped you like this story and I try my best I hope you can see this, but 300 reads? That's crazy, I don't even have the right words right now, thank you all so so so much, i love ya'll sm♡

Today's fact;
Fact nr. 7:
By a taisho era secret (I don't know if it's actually a real or fan made) it said, that the pregnate women in the Rengoku household watch every weekend a flaming torch, so that's why they have such hair color (men only). And in my story it also effects the way they act torwards fire. They just can't stop looking at it and are in a trance like if they see fire. That's why Kyojuro reacted so weirdly in the restaurant as it was burning.

Anyways, I will see you in the next chapter!

Words: 1376

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