How it went with Akaza♡

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This is a chapter how it went with the outfit chosing for Akaza, like I said I would write this. Yeah, enjoy and please don't question why my chapters are always late


Akaza was in panic. He didn't know what to wear to Kyo's and his date. It's almost 7 p.m and he has only picked out black socks so far.

He couldn't believe he was about to do this. But everything to look good for Kyojuro. He went downstairs were his friends were all huddled up in the living room doing God knows what.

He hesitated for a second, but ended up asking. "Daki, Douma, could you help me pick out a outfit for tonight? I have a date", he told them. They looked suprised as to why Akaza needs their help for a something that caught my interest.

But then Douma began jumping around like a crazy kid. He began to hug every single one of them. As he hugged Akaza, he cuddled with him, blocking air out of his way.

"Yay! Akaza~dono found someone and is searching for my help! I couldn't be luckier! Who is this person! Oh this is exciting!!", Douma kept on rambling. Akaza finally shut him up after some time.

"Is it that boy Kyojuro?", Douma asked, certainly being sure as he came close to Akaza's face. His friends somehow found out he was gay and supported him, so it wasn't hard to tell which gender it was. But who told them about Kyo?

"How do you know about him?", Akaza asked stunned, looking in the round. They all looked at him dumb-founded.

"Oh please, we all have seen the way you look at him, you're practually fawning over him", hantengu rolled his eyes. "And you always stalk him and stick to his side", Daki continued.

"You speak with his friends to find out more about him", Gyutaro told him, telling him more. "You speak about him to a mirror about how amazing and cute and awesome he is", Kokushibo responded.

"And, it's pretty obvious Akaza~dono, no denying this one", Douma told him, pinching his cheek. Now Akaza looked to the side, kinda embarrassed about hearing all these stuff which, were also true.

He clenched his fist and had a frown on his face. "Will you help me or not?", Akaza spoke, loud enough for them to hear him, and his annoyence.

"Of course! For your first date you have to look perfect!" Daki answered, standing up and dragging Akaza up to his room, Douma silently following.

"Love", Hantengu spit out and continued to fake gag. He hated love with a passion. This is our Hantengu.

Up in Akaza's room was a totally mess. Clothes everywhere. Some piles, some things what were tried on, things what would not be choosen, etc.

Akaza just kept quiet, as he was hushed twice or more times by both, Daki and Douma. He looked at his now messy room, knowing he had go clean everything. He groaned innerly.

"Perfect!", Daki screamed, while Douma agreed jumping and squealing again. Akaza looked at them confused, seeing they had an outift in their hands. Finally, took them ages.

"Try this on", Daki demanded, pressing the stuff in his arms. Akaza went into his bathroom, silently. He came out in black pants, a black turtleneck shirt, his socks that he chose and black shoes.

He left the bathroom and went in front of Douma and Daki, that were seated on his bed. He showed them the outfit, posing now and then.

It seems like both of the judges were thinking, until Douma came up with an idea. "A coat! That's what's missing!", he ran to the pink-haired closet and pulled out his favorite black coat.

The blond threw it at Akaza, which he caught. He put the coat on. Now both Daki and Douma absored this new look again.

"Perfect!", the both yelled at the same time. Even tho Akaza was a stubborn peanut, he still thanked his friends for the help. They all went downstairs and asked for the others opinion.

"It looks nice", Gyutaro was the first one to say something. "Agreed, it compliments you very much, Akaza", Kokushibo said, as a supportive friend. "Well, you look good as always", Akaza also got the approval of Hantengu. Akaza thanked them.

He looked at the time and realized he had to hurry. "Shoot! I have to go guys, bye, wish me luck!", Akaza yelled, running out of the house. His friends saying their goodbyes and wishing him luck.

"Let's hope nothing bad happens", they all agree

So, yeahhhh. I know this isn't a chapter and the reason for that is, that I am again grounded and I'm not allowed to take my phone. So here I am writing this at 1:44. I hope you still like this, because it's the best I could do. Also I don't know when the next chapter is gonna come, but I swear I'll try to upload still weekly, even if I'm grounded.

Anyways, see you in the next chapter

Words: 853

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