Vs Operation Step-Mom

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Keith got home late, smelling of strawberries. Ashley greeted him with a worried look on her face.

Ashley: So... how did it go?

Keith: The first round was easy.

Ashley: Then why do you look so... rough?

Keith: That's because of a separate issue.

Ashley: What does that mean?

Keith looks around.

Keith: Where's our father...?

Ashley: He was tired so he went to bed early.

Keith: Good.

Keith: The issue is that our grandfather is in town. In fact, he's the state champion.

Ashley: But he's blind.... not to mention nicer than a high kitten.

Keith: No, not that one. The one from our mother's side.

Walking past Ashley, Keith heads to the backyard with his sister right behind him.

Ashley: That's bad..?

Keith: To give you the short version. He's obsessed with making a perfect successor with his blood in them and he's a bastard.

Ashley: Longer version?

Keith: Mother sent him to stop me, despite telling me not to trust him. He wants me as a student so I can make a child with some slut he put in a maid costume.

Keith: Or make you have a child. All because of Dad's blood.

Ashley:...... I still have so many questions.

Keith: If you think I have the answers, you have another thing coming.

Ashley: Since this is the first time I've heard of having a grandfather on mom's side, care to tell me of any more family on her side of things?

Keith: All I know is that we have a lot of aunts.

Ashley: How many?

Keith: Sixty-five... I think...

Ashley: JESUS?!?

Keith: Like I said...He's obsessed with the perfect successor.

Ashley: We must have SO many cosines... Ugh, what if we accidentally date one of them?


Ashley: What? That's a freakishly high possibility for us!

Keith: I'm sensing a pattern...

Ashley:(Glares) Shut it.

Keith: Let's change the subject.

Keith: What are the odds we're getting a stepmom?

Ashley: Dad has always loved Mom. And has always defended her. I hope... We can let him get some form of happiness.

Ashley: He's going to get coffee with the lady, tomorrow. I'll be on watch.

Keith: I've added a tracker to my phone. Use it to make sure he doesn't run into one of my matches.

Ashley: Alright... Operation Stepmom is a go.

(Opening Theme)

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