Vs School Drama

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Kuze the God Skull sat behind his desk. As the state champion, he was given an office.

Maya entered the room.

Maya: Most of the participants didn't survive the drug injections.


Kuze: How is my poor grandson supposed to learn if he isn't properly challenged?

Kuze: At this rate, he'll be the only one left in the State tournament and have to fight me...

Kuze: And of course, I'll probably kill him...

Maya: Give me another chance.

Kuze: I don't need you to kill him. I need an incident to break that worthless habit my daughter taught him.

Kuze: His blood must boil... And his soul must turn to liquid...

Kuze: I saw it in his eyes...

Kuze: Mess with his school life. Try to strike a nerve.

Maya: Subdly or...?

Kuze: Kick him in the balls, or hump his favorite meat. Whatever gets him to stop following his training and go berserk.

Maya: I'll see what I can do.

She leaves the room as Kuze leans back and thinks to himself.

Kuze:(mind) One way or another... My will shall rule this world. I don't care how many years I must wait.

(Opening Theme)

Ashley and Keith sat in the cafeteria. They stood out like models in an ugly con, and this vibe was from their aura and how they sat as if posing for a photo.

Ashley: You only got the dessert?

Keith: It doesn't matter what you eat. What matters is the calories and how much you burn to stay in shape.


Ashley: You don't like potatoes, do you?

Keith: They are only good mashed.

Ashley: Just mash them with your fork.

Keith: They're still tasteless!

Ashley: Put salt on it then!

Keith: And do the cooks job for them? Hah! Show me my paycheck first.

Ashley: You know... I never imagined you'd be so passionate about something like this.

Keith: Hmph!

Ashley: Anyway... Have you heard of how people in your tournament are being found dead?

Keith: I hope you aren't trying to suggest I did something...

Ashley: Of course not. You couldn't kill a fly.

Keith:.... I take that as a challenge.


Keith:.... It was a joke...

Ashley: Do you think our grandfather has something to do with this?

Keith: I have no doubt in my mind.

Keith: Mother always warned me how manipulative he was. This is probably a scare tactic...

Keith: He might have killed them all himself to try and prove something.

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