Book 2: Water, Chapter 5: Dark Spirits

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While she still couldn't completely heal everyone, by the end of the week, Katara had clearly made a difference with her newfound abilities. That much was obvious; Penguin's Landing had suddenly sprung to life, and it warmed Aang's heart to see children playing in the streets, elders gossiping, and various other villagers going about their daily activities just like he had seen with the inhabitants of Wolf Cove.

Gilak beamed when the four of them entered his tent the morning of their planned departure. After they had all sat down, he dismissed the rest of his warriors, save for Lirin, who remained standing a few feet behind him. She still had a slight cough, which Suluk had said was normal, but otherwise, she looked to be nearly back to her old self.

"Today is the day you have decided to leave us, is that correct?" Gilak asked after the last warrior had cleared out.

Aang nodded. "That's the plan."

Gilak's gaze moved to Katara, and he smiled gratefully. "Katara. Penguin's Landing will forever be grateful for what you have done for us. Trust that your name is not one that will be forgotten in this village." He paused for a moment as he struggled to keep his voice steady. "Without you, Lirin might not be standing here today. She's like a daughter to me."

He looked over his shoulder at Lirin, who shook her head and smiled affectionately at the old man. "And you think I'm the one who's grown soft?" She joked lightheartedly. "But in all seriousness, thank you, Katara."

Katara smiled in return. "It was the least I could do. I'm just happy I was able to help."

"As are we all." Gilak replied. "Kids... I am forever in your debt. Whatever Wolf Cove needs, I will provide. Warriors, supplies, anything. I still can't send everyone since there are still those who need to rest and recover, but I will send who I can."

A wide grin spread across Aang's face, and the four friends looked at one another with expressions of joy and relief.

"Thank you, Chief Gilak! Dad will be thrilled!" Sokka exclaimed.

Gilak smiled warmly back at the boy. "I'm sure he will be. It's been too long since I've been back to Wolf Cove. This will probably be the first time in quite a while that Hakoda will actually be happy to see me," he chuckled, then sighed. "So. What is your plan going forward?"

"We've got two more villages we're going to ask for help," Sokka explained. "Starting with Ausuittuq."

"And Grey Wolf Village after that!" Aang added.

Gilak's smile disappeared. "Ausuittuq and Grey Wolf Village?"

Aang and Sokka's eyes met briefly. That expression wasn't a good sign.

"Yeah... Is there something we should know?" Sokka asked.

"When was the last time Wolf Cove had contact with either village?"

Sokka put his hand on his chin and squinted his eyes as he struggled to recall what Hakoda had told them. "Dad said that we had last had contact with Ausuittuq about... ten months ago? So more like eleven months now, I guess," he replied, counting his fingers.

"Your dad also said that they hadn't had contact with Grey Wolf Village in two years," Zuko added with a frown.

"There's a reason for that," Gilak sighed. "Grey Wolf Village no longer exists."

The four friends looked at one another with dismayed expressions upon hearing this revelation. Aang knew it was a possibility that any of the villages could have been taken out by the Fire Nation—in fact, Hakoda and Bato had said it would be—but he had hoped that they were wrong.

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