Anime Expo (3)

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I'd like to request a silly ask. I just recently came back from Anime Expo and I had the crack thought of how would the boys handle going to something as such?

Who would be the most excited?

Who will be the one with the backpack full of snacks and water?

Taking the most pictures?

I hope all is going well with your family's health!

🤯As for the chaos and such, the house is long. Hubby is still out from work. Blood pressure fluententing from high to low. My torn rotator cuff is great some days, hurts other days but I refuse to let the pain stop movement. Youngest moving out July 11th which is so awesome, with her friend. About 30 miles away/48 kilometers. Just worried about the winter commute on winding roads around the lake. Some spots no call service.. Unplanned leaving of eldest's common Law husband after 5 years. Timing sucks since hubby only gets 60% disability but we support the breakup as the relationship is not working anymore or healthy.

Now to your ask...

❓️Good question actually❗️

☄️ The most excited?

Oh that has to be Alucard! And second is Lefty on D.

•Alucard gets to be the scary kid and acts as himself, within reason (?), of course. Your job is to keep the Unholy King reined in from doing mass murder.

• Perhaps looking young and handsome?

• Perhaps that too sexy black straight jacket? (Bondagecard according to kraven on tumblr)

•His maniacal laughter would be an instant hit with most. Some ask how he does it. Can he teach them to those cosplay villains out there..?

Not to mention his two C's: charisma and charm..

•Lefty gets all the attention for being such a life-like hand prop. Eating, drinking different things and mumbling lecherous things. Stressing D out as that is not appropriate at anime expos. (Still some sexual harassment etc. But thought was being taken more seriously(?)

•Meanwhile Shouta is interested and follows from a distance or hangs with D but also feeling stressed, due to so many cosplayers and events going on. Trying to remember as many manga and anime characters so he can identify them.

•Though too convincing of cosplay villains, gets the hair lift or an entangle with his capture weapon. Anyone even looking at you as sexual meat, gets a tap with the scarf.

🍱 The snacks guardian?

•It has to Aizawa!

• Shouta is Mr. Logic and planned. His jelly packs, plenty of water for D (as D can put a blood capsule in the water), you and he.

Capri blood packets for Alucard...

Of course everyone thinks it's just great cosplaying with the best details for their "character."

It's not real blood, right?

📸 Taking pictures?

This goes to Alucard! More like getting pictures taken of him!

He loves photobombing with his shadows. Different toothy grins and selfies. Though often it's Shouta taking the image, as Alucard is too busy being the 'belle of the ball' with his many new fan girls & boys.

As for D...

He may have lopped Lefty off at the wrist and Lefty is running around to 'crash' other peoples photos.

🎩• But who's the most handsome?

It can only be Vampire Hunter D. Alucard became a self made Vampire but was born human first. Of course Aizawa is human.

But D...

So gorgeous, many swoon at his looks and definitely his aura. That includes Vampire King. A large predatory smile crosses his pale lips and molten hellfire eyes twinkle.

Until you punch Alucard in the gut. He just chuckles and focuses his attention back on you..

Because You Asked (Alucard Aizawa D)Where stories live. Discover now