Ice Skating for Two (11)

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Ask Alucard Aizawa D ice skating/dancing

So, I loved what you did with my ask (I will not tell my friend about synthetic coffee or she will turn into a shaking, completely addicted to coffee mess)

I know that winter is almost over but that won't stop me from thinking about ice skating! So... Can I ask for the main three boys perhaps ice skating with their s/o? Maybe even dancing? (I personally can not dance both on ice or ground but I think that would be sweet and fun scenario)

Ice Skating for Two

📍I, of course, had to do some research in regards to Vladcard, as I am including him. I needed to see if ice skating was invented in his lifetime. Turns out Native American Tribes such as Iroquois, Lakota, and Inuits (no age but considered ancient known) and Finland (4000 years) had discovered ice skating. I am not sure that historically, if he had been ice skating but it is a possibility. Some of the sources listed at the end.

Narratorinthecloset, I'll go by the order of them listed. I have listed Vladcard and Dom Aizawa too for slightly different perspectives..

🖊• The earliest clear, written mention of ice skating is found in a book written in the 12th century by William Fitzstephen, a monk in Canterbury. In the work centered on Thomas Becket, he describes a scene taking place below the northern city walls of Canterbury during the winter.

The sticks that Fitzstephen refers to were used for movement, as the primitive bone-made ice skates did not have sharp gliding edges like modern ice skates. Adding edges to ice skates was invented by the Dutch in the 13th or 14th century. These ice skates were made of steel, with sharpened edges on the bottom to aid movement.

🍷•Alucard-ice skating

•The time period he was going to be in England, ice skating was very popular. He would have learned how to ice skate to fit in even better. And as both Hellsing and Bram Stoker's Dracula, Alucard can be out in the daylight.

Note: (Bram Stoker mentions six times about Dracula being up during the day)

•Of course, he is willing to teach you how to ice skate personally. And with his grace and strength, you won't be landing on the ice and hurting yourself. (Friend, I knew had cousin hit head on and died in the night)

•Once you had all the basics down, he would use his shadows to assist from a distance not to fall, and he takes it as a challenge for humans to not see his shadow work.. Walter has gotten per orders of Alucard to purchase the best for you. As a show off, he might manifest the skates just like his clothes and armor, sword, etc.

🛡•Vladcard(breathing) -ice skating for travel

•In this case, Vlad would be doing this as a way to travel on the river Danube as it would sometimes freeze over. Vlad would be more military in thinking but not as hard on you as he is on his men. His tall and broad body (reality 5'6' to 5'6" height Vlad III Draucleau) would dwarf your body and help guide you this way. His large hands are right there to catch you.

•Once you have it down good enough, the fun part begins! Speed skating as this would be something he would be into. To feel like flying, in a way, besides the back of a horse.

⚜️•Vampire Hunter D

•As for Sacred Ancestor's only success, it might bring memories back. The book series still hasn't really explained much about his mother, Mina the Fair. It doesn't say how long she lived being human. So I imagine her teaching D many things, and this would be ice skating too.

I believe the Nobility does take an occasional human "whim" based again on the book series and would have a
Winter's ball on a large frozen lake under a full blood moon. A noble would have an estate built just to have for the gala and only used once a year, etc.

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