learning to trust again (8)

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Ask Alucard Aizawa D trust issues

Hello there... at first I just have to say I really love your writing. Sometimes it just made my day. And I hope you're feeling better with your shoulder issues and migraine... so now to my question.

Warning: it could be a sensible topic so if it is a trigger or a red flag to you, you really can ignore this: Do you have hcs of our big threes reactions to their so who suffers from trust issues. I am not going to use any of past traumas and pain to write this. Just how they can try and help build your trust..

Such as even simple physical touches or being close to him caused of foreign bad situations with other persons? I hope that was understandable enough. And sorry for my bad English. I wish you the best and have a nice day :)

Anonymous, this is going to be cringey for I think BUT it's important I respond to this ask. I am so very sure there are so many more out there who also have trust issues from bad situations and trauma induced. I am basing this off oldest and myself as examples of experiences with trust issues. Hopefully, we are sharing some similar trust issue topics.

Let's see now let's start with a description about trying to trust:

Satisfying relationships are built on a foundation of safety and trust that you won't be hurt physically or emotionally. Whether you trust too little or too much is influenced by your past, but once trust is broken, your sense of safety is in jeopardy. You feel insecure and may begin to question your partner's honesty, motives, intentions, feelings, and actions.

🥢•Starting with my only human: Shouta Aizawa

•I think Shouta would be the most likely to completely understand trust issues. Hell! I think he has his own trust issues or wouldn't be a loner and underground hero. He has students that have trauma in their past like Shoto has had dealing with his father, Endeavor.

•Aizawa would have a hand sign or a word that lets him know that you are hyper-sensitive about touch. You're having a day of PTSD flashbacks. That way, Shouta knows it's not something he did, but it is that kind of situation.

He would have a hand gesture that lets you know he still loves you..

•He may suggest getting you a sleeping bag of your own and you two snuggle(if you can) in it once to make a new, happy memory. Then, when mere touch is too difficult, you can get in the sleeping bag and de-sensitize your body to touch. If in the beginning maybe have your own place or bedroom in shared quarters, to help move past and start the healing process for you. Though he will check on you if you are having nightmares with a baby monitor.

May be a weighted blanket, too?

•You could sit on a couch at each end and just talk at first so that Aizawa can learn more about what triggers you have. He knows it will be hard to share, but please understand he can't be more helpful if he doesn't know something of your past pain.

•You and he could learn to cook together, but touch doesn't have to be part of it. Enjoying each other's company. Maybe you would enjoy having Aizawa read a favorite book so his voice becomes associated with being safe and also loved.

•Being an agoraphobe kinda hard no. He knows you can't hide from the world, so it would be short trips to places that give you happy memories. They won't completely chase the ptsd ones away as one never forgets those but to ease the strength of the ptsd.

It helps remind you that you do deserve happiness..

⚜️•Vampire Hunter D

•For D, the touching part doesn't bother him as he generally doesn't like humans touching him, especially as they are under the influence of his aura and gorgeous features.

•The vampire hunter tends to be a loner, and due to the hatred of dhamphirs, most frontier towns want to kill him on the spot. If that doesn't cause trust issues, I am not sure what would in that case.

•I think for D, it would be a huge understanding of why you have trust issues. He has always been silent for the most part, so not speaking for periods of time wouldn't bother him.

•D would show you the unusual places and the hidden locations that no one else probably knows about to create new memories and to explore at your rate of feeling safe.

You would have your own cyberhorse to give you distance as needed...

•Finally D would play a flute he had carved and play it for you to soothe your nerves when it was safe to do so. He could also sing. Yet one rule is that he will never use his telepathy on you.

Your thoughts are yours..

🛡•Vladcard: vivoide
The Impaler Prince alive wouldn't understand and tell you to knock it off, so not going anywhere near that part of Alucard's life and still breathing. Who had it worse isn't a contest but just opening up old wounds.

🍷•Alucard the Vampire King

•Alucard is a tough one at first. He has been immortal for so long and often brushes off dangerous issues, let alone trust issues. Yet one day, if he had a nightmare, you could talk about how he has trust issues too.

He might actually acknowledge the mistrust of people, too..

•The Unholy King would use some surface thought mind reading if he can't understand what the trigger is. Are you upset about a past situation, or is it with him?

•Being touched would be difficult because the blood sucker can go dis-solid. His shadows will keep you company across the room. Should you get in a bad disagreement, he may be the one avoiding touch.

Baskerville? Try to get as close as possible if you like animals.

Maybe a little bat in a corner so you know he's there but not in your face, so to speak?

•I can see the Vampire King writing you love letters or poetry to show how much you mean to him. Alucard hums Romanian lullaby songs like the ones he did for his son when alive.

•But do remember the big three do make mistakes and may shake your trust, but never completely lose that trust like you had to do with others in the past. They will be reliable and not lie.

Well, for Aizawa, he doesn't tell lies to you, but his students get the logical ruse...

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