You've Been Going 'Round, Going 'Round, Going 'Round Every Party In LA

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Y/n's View; 1 month later...

It's been a very eventful month

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It's been a very eventful month. Nicki found us a manager and that guy is managing alright. We've done 3 interviews this week alone including an interview with Jimmy Fallon. In less than 2 months, we accomplished more than I thought we ever could.

We gotta get a place in California though, traveling back and forth is getting expensive.

Hailee's View

"So let's talk about a release date." Chris says.

"There's not nearly enough publicity right now for us to even think about releasing any time soon." Ethan says.

"Does that matter?" I ask.

"It's your first album, we want it to get a lot of attention so it does well in terms of numbers." Chris says.

"So how do we do that?" I ask.

"I have a new client, you might've heard about them." Ethan says.

"Who?" I ask.

"5Star, they're a duo from Seattle and they're really popular right now. They had one meeting with Nicki Minaj and now they have 4 entries on the Hot 100." Ethan says.

"How are they gonna get numbers up?" Chris asks.

"Publicity stunt." Ethan says.

"Grant has a wife but Y/n is single. People can't help but obsess over celebrity relationships. If word gets out that you're dating, it's gonna draw attention to you. The perfect opportunity for more people to discover you and get hooked." Ethan says.

"Best part is, Y/n doesn't even have to know what our plan is." Ethan says.

"You want me to take advantage of someone for my own benefit?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's Hollywood." Ethan says.

I look at Chris and he shrugs.

"I can get 5Star invited to the Pelican Rock movie premiere that you're going to. It's the perfect place to get acquainted and make her fall for you." Ethan says.

"Hold on. What makes you think Y/n is single? She could just be a private person." Chris says.

"Yeah." I say.

"Y/n's instagram caption said, finding myself, and her little brother commented saying, find some bitches." Ethan says.

"Do you guys seriously want me to do this?" I ask.

"No one's forcing you but if you want a successful release, you should." Ethan says.

I sigh and nod.

"Great!" Ethan says.

Time Skip; Y/n's View

Ethan got me and Grant invited to a movie premiere and I'm not feeling it.

Grant is a very sociable person and I'm not. I haven't had to make friends in 20 years, I don't know how. I've been in the bathroom for 20 minutes waiting until the movie starts.

ATTENTION // Hailee Steinfeld ✓Where stories live. Discover now