Title: Reincarnated As A Parasite
Creator: ClodwalOkamuraDescription:
Hanagaki Youji, a dojo owner and a black belt Taekwondo expert was shot on the nape by an unknown killer leading to his miserable death in the streets, but then he finds himself as some miniscule monster that can be called a parasite in a different world. With a young female human from a famous Warrior Tribe as his host, how are they going to cooperate in this new life in another world?
This story is quite interesting, Different from all the other Isekai/Reincarnation stories I have read. This one focuses on like dark/gore aspect of the Isekai/reincarnation. At first, I wasn't sure how I felt about it until I continued reading. It's pretty good, dark, gore, and disturbing but eventually, I got over that and enjoyed the book. I wonder if Arthur planning to continue it....I hope so because it's a brilliant story. I recommend it if you are interested dark/gore aspect of the story.
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