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Hello babies!
First of all:
No, I didn't write this book,
my dear friend bbangzz did but
he's going to delete his account
down soon and allowed me to repost this book. This book was one of the first actual good mpreg ones I read after creating my account and I just
couldn't allow to let this amazing
work disappear forever.

It brought me very much happiness and I hope by adopting it and keeping it safe here on my account I can
share this happiness with
some more people.

Thank you so much, bbangzz
I'll miss you here but I'll keep your work and characters safe here.
Stay safe, take care <3

He wants to let you know that he's
super grateful for the support he
got on the original posting of the story, and he really hopes that new readers can continue to enjoy
it in the future!

a/n ;; just another reminder that this is mpreg so if you're not a fan of that please just click off instead of being rude! <3


Of all things Jisung had planned to do today, crying on the bathroom floor with his arms wrapped tightly around his stomach was not one of them.

Let's backtrack, shall we?

About two months ago, Jisung had received a rather distressing call from his brother about their mother's current condition. He was all too aware of the ultimately fatal disease that bit away at her piece by piece, but he had pushed away all thoughts about how it would inevitably end. He didn't want to think about it.

So when Jisung picked up the phone and heard his step-brother's sob-ridden voice on the other line, he immediately knew something had happened.

Chan had said, tears audible
in his voice, 'They don't know if
she'll make it through the week.'

Jisung didn't have an answer. Months of denial had finally caught up to him, and being presented with the reality had sent him into overdrive.

He immediately shut off the call. He knew he wasn't strong enough to respond to Chan verbally. Instead, he shot him a quick text saying that he just needed some time, which the elder responded to with a 'of course, i'm here if you need me,' with his dorky dad-like thumbs up emoji to accompany it.

The next day, Jisung had simply wallowed in his own sadness in his dorm room. He curled up on his bed and stuffed himself silly with whatever cheap foods he had left in his small and cluttered kitchen, endorsing himself fully in any random movie he could be bothered to watch.

Luckily, it was the weekend, so he didn't have to bother worrying about making excuses for not turning up to his classes, but unluckily for him, his few friends had noticed his absences at their weekendly gatherings.

Jisung had been sent texts by all three of his friends, each one a different 'hey, are you okay?' message stylised in ways that showcased each of their different personalities. At first, Jisung considered ignoring them, not out of rudeness or spite but because he simply didn't have the energy to uphold conversations with all three of them. Instead, he decided to just send one message to the group chat, clarifying that he's okay but just needs some time to think.

𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠 [𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓]Where stories live. Discover now