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Jisung woke up about two hours later; the mid-afternoon light seeping into the room through the window. He turned, seeing that Minho was still fast asleep beside him, the elder's hand pressed gently onto Jisung's own chest.

A knock on the door broke Jisung out of his post-wake-up trance.

As he struggled to climb out of Minho's embrace without waking him, Jisung picked up his phone, seeing a missed call from both Felix and Hyunjin. It didn't take longer than a few seconds for Jisung to know who was behind his door.

After he opened the door, he very quickly moved outside, shutting it behind him so that the two men in front of him couldn't see inside.

Hyunjin laughed at Jisung's odd behavior. 'You good, Ji?'

'Yeah,' Jisung whispered, 'Just... he's sleeping. So be quiet.'

Felix's eyes lit up. 'Who? Who's sleeping?'

'Minho,' Jisung replied, 'Don't ask questions. I'll explain later.'

Felix and Hyunjin nodded, but not until they had looked at each other with a suspicious look on both of their faces. Jisung sighed at them, but he turned around and slowly opened the door, shushing the two men as they walked in as a reminder to keep quiet.

Minho was still asleep on the bed; he had moved from his previous position, but he was still tucked cutely under the covers, his hair fanned out on the pillow under his head.

As quietly as possible, Felix placed a paper bag that he was holding down on the narrow counter of Jisung's kitchen unit, removing the small collection of teabags and instant ramyeon and setting them down beside the bag. Hyunjin had decided to make himself at home on Jisung's desk chair, turning around to observe the sleeping brunette beside him.

Hyunjin looked up at Jisung with that look on his face, and Jisung could just tell that Hyunjin wanted to know more. Still, Jisung persevered, reminding Hyunjin and Felix that he'd explain later; even if he didn't give them the whole truth.

Jisung thanked the two for restocking his (terrible) food supply and ushered them out, saying he still felt tired and wanted to go back to bed. It backfired, of course, and Felix immediately teased him, asking about why Jisung and Minho were sharing a bed, but Jisung refused to satisfy him and walked back into his room, locking the door behind him.

When he looked up, he was met with Minho's questioning gaze; the brunette's hair was dishevelled and his glasses were placed lopsidedly on his face. Jisung thinks he might have cooed out loud at the elder's cuteness.

'Who was that?' Minho asked.

'Just Felix and Hyunjin,' Jisung answered, coming to sit down next to Minho on the bed. 'Just bringing me some supplies because I've been too sick to go shopping for the last week.'

'What'd they bring?' Minho asked, looking at Jisung's face.

'Some tea and ramyeon,' Jisung replied, 'Not much, but it'll do.'

'You want me to make you something?' Minho questioned, rubbing Jisung's knee softly.

Jisung's eyes lit up upon hearing the elder's offer. 'I would never turn down an offer of food. Even if it's just instant ramyeon.'

'I actually make the best instant ramyeon in the world,' Minho stated, giggling to himself as he stood up and stepped towards Jisung's teeny kitchen unit.

'And who says that?' Jisung teased.

'It's a self-proclaimed title,' Minho answered, 'But, Changbin agrees. And I guess you'll just have to find out if you do too.'

Jisung just laughed at the elder's antics as he watched him work. He did nothing but watch Minho use the stove for a good five minutes, gazing as the elder prepared the area and supplies to make the food.

Jisung was incredibly endeared. 

He stood up, moving to stand behind Minho in the kitchen, making a bold move and wrapping his arms around the elder's torso and snuggling his face into Minho's nape.

Minho simply giggled at the younger, continuing to work on the food in front of him. He had prepared two bowls and carefully separated the ramyeon into each one, even placing a pretty fried egg on top of each.

Minho turned around in Jisung's hold, gesturing at the counter next to him and telling the younger that their food was ready, and Jisung gave the elder the wettest kiss on the cheek that he could possibly procure. He picked up his bowl and a pair of chopsticks, thanking Minho (verbally this time) and making himself comfy on his bed, placing the bowl on his lap to make sure he didn't make a mess.

Minho followed behind him, sitting adjacently to Jisung as he mirrored the younger's actions.

'You wanna watch another movie, or something?' Jisung asked, looking at the elder who had already begun to dig into his meal, clearly not caring about the scorching temperature after the ramyeon had only just come out of the pan.

Minho nodded, his cheeks full of ramyeon and egg and looking at cute as he possibly could. Jisung turned on the TV, being careful not to knock over his bowl, and turned on his favourite action film. By the time he had chosen, his food had cooled down to an edible temperature, and Minho had already finished.

Minho placed the bowl in the sink, making sure to wash it out quickly before settling himself back on Jisung's bed.

This time, he sat behind the younger, wrapping one hand around Jisung's torso and settling it on his stomach. The other hand stole Jisung's chopsticks away from him, deciding the feed the younger himself so that the other man could get comfy in Minho's lap.

Even after Jisung had finished with the ramyeon, he just placed the bowl on his bedside table, too comfy to try and move. Minho had his head resting on Jisung's shoulder, now with both of his hands rubbing gently into Jisung's stomach, and the younger felt truly warm at the action.

The movie finally finished, and they simply let the credits roll, too comfortable in their embrace to bother changing it over.

'Minho,' Jisung started. 'Thank you.'

Minho hummed, clearly a little unsure as to why he was being thanked.

'Thank you for... for taking this so well,' Jisung said, 'I... I think I went through every possible scenario of how this could go. I guess I spent too much time preparing for rejection. So... yeah. Thank you for being so good about it.'

'Of course,' Minho replied, 'I think I'd be the worst person alive if I just left you to deal with this yourself. I know we're not... we're not the closest people ever, but I do care about you, Jisung, and I want to stay by your side.'

Jisung turned around, repositioning himself so that he was practically straddling Minho. A few stray tears began to roll down his cheeks and Minho instantly reached up, cupping Jisung's face and wiping away the tears that fell before placing their foreheads together, leaning on each other comfortably with their eyes softly shut.

'Please kiss me,' Jisung said, 'Please.'

And who was Minho to say no?

Minho connected their lips, a series of short but sweet kisses following after as Minho couldn't help but reconnect their lips every time they broke apart. Jisung's giggles and his heart-shaped smile were the most adorable things Minho could ever notice.

Another movie was watched and the two fell asleep, holding each other through the night.


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