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Jisung woke up feeling like someone had stuffed slime down his throat. This same exact nausea had accompanied him each time he woke up over the last week, and it was already annoying him deeply.

He'd suffer throughout the morning feeling like his throat had been singed with acid; which it most likely had. During those hours he had to be very careful with what he ate and drank, as the majority of his food and drinks wouldn't stay down. He was practically living off of tea and small portions of instant ramyeon.

Jisung rushed into his cramped bathroom, immediately doubling over into the toilet, allowing his body to remove all the substances that it decided it didn't want in his body. He felt disgusting the whole time, his face quickly becoming sweaty and his back sore from the awkward position he was leaning in.

The click of the door sounded behind him but Jisung couldn't be bothered to try and turn around. A soothing hand on his back and the feeling of his bangs being held out of his sweaty face provided some relief, and Jisung internally thanked Minho for so quickly rushing to his aid.

In all honesty, it was rather embarrassing for Jisung to be throwing up in front of someone, but in this exact moment, he couldn't bring himself to care. After all, he supposed Minho should get used to this.

He didn't know how long it was until he slowly felt his stomach settling, but Minho noticed and swiftly brought a glass of water for him, handing him some mouthwash from off the sink counter for Jisung to help cleanse his mouth. Now that he didn't feel so disgusting, he turned around, climbing into Minho's lap and allowing the elder to press a damp cold towel on his forehead, easing the temperature that had accumulated from the sweat.

'I'm sorry you had to see that,' Jisung stated.

'Don't apologise,' Minho responded, carding his fingers through Jisung's fluffy black hair. 'You can't help it.'

Jisung hummed in response. He didn't really know what to do now, so he just sat still, comfy in Minho's hold. When Minho decided to lift him up and carry him to the bed a few minutes later, he just let it happen.

'It's half-seven,' Minho said, reading the numbers on the alarm clock on Jisung's bedside table. 'Do you have any classes today?'

Jisung shook his head, thankful that he had a day to just relax within the comforting confines of his own home.

He also needed to that time to discuss some things with Minho.

For now, he simply sat there and thought, letting Minho cuddle him whilst he tried to organise his mind.

Jisung thought, he did like Minho. They weren't the closest of friends beforehand, but they got along well and were never awkward with each other. He supposed that of all the people he could possibly be expecting a baby with, Minho was definitely one of the best.

The man was kind, understanding, had a brilliant sense of humour, and was never ashamed to be himself. (Also, he knew how to cook, with Jisung thinks might be the sexiest quality in a man.)

Then he thought back to his actual dilemma.

He knew raising a baby would be hard. He was only 20 and didn't know the first thing about children; and it wasn't like Jisung could ask his own mother questions anymore; not with her soul no longer on this earth.

Jisung knew it would take a lot of patience and preparation, but in all honesty, he didn't want to give this up.

Not when Minho had so lovingly stroked his stomach yesterday, not when Minho had promised him that he'd always be there. It made Jisung realise that maybe this wasn't a bad thing.

He wasn't sure how they'd cope with their living situation or how their friends and family would react, but Jisung thought they could manage. After all, it's only his and Minho's opinions that truly matter, and if people wanted to leave them over this, it was their loss.

The only person Jisung was a bit more nervous to tell was Chan.

His step-brother was still experiencing the grief of losing their mother. Don't get Jisung wrong, he was still distraught by it too; but recent events had brought new priorities into Jisung's life, and he couldn't neglect those just for the sake of wallowing in grief. His mother wouldn't have wanted him to waste away like that.

So yeah, if Chan reacted badly and had to deal with grief, it would be hard on him, and make Jisung feel very guilty. The older man was incredibly protective of his younger brother, even more so now that their parents had separated and they lost their mother, and Jisung was slightly nervous about how he'd react to his 20-year-old college student brother getting knocked up by someone he wasn't even in a relationship with.

Jisung and Minho had kissed a few times, but expecting a baby together doesn't mean you suddenly love each other with all of your hearts. Jisung understood that.

The difference was that Jisung could picture them being like that in the future. Jisung really did adore the elder, he found him adorable and endearing and he really could see himself falling for him.

Jisung let his mind wander, and the picture of himself, Minho and their future baby cuddled up together crossed his imagination.

He liked it. He really liked it.

'Min,' Jisung started, attempting to vocalise his thoughts before he forgets and makes it awkward.

Minho hummed in response, prompting the younger to continue.

Jisung dug his face into Minho's chest, pulling the elder's hand down from his hair and into his lap, playing with his fingers carefully. 'I think I want to keep the baby.'

Jisung felt Minho physically straighten out a little. 'Really?' he asked, his tone akin to gratitude rather than surprise.

'Yeah,' Jisung responded, 'Really.'

Minho held him a little tighter, smushing their faces together so that their foreheads were touching. 'I know it's all super overwhelming,' Minho said, 'But I promise I am going to be here with you through every second of this.'

Jisung asked for permission before pressing a soft kiss to Minho's lips. 'So,' Jisung said after pulling away, 'We're gonna be parents.'

'We are,' Minho said, a few tears gathering in the corners of his pretty eyes. 'We should probably start planning a few things.'

'Agreed,' Jisung replied, 'We should probably schedule a doctor appointment. See how the little one's doing.'

'I'll call them soon,' Minho said, 'Let's just stay like this for a while.'

Jisung nodded, kissing Minho softly one more time, and the elder pressed his lips gently onto Jisung's forehead as he repositioned them so that they were spooning. Jisung's back was pressed firmly against Minho's chest, and they held hands over Jisung's still flat stomach, no more words being shared between them.


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