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Only a few days had passed and Jisung had quickly become infatuated with the idea of having a baby.

The little sonogram picture rested in the drawer of his bedside table and he'd look at it every night before going to sleep. Minho would be next to him and they'd talk for a while, eventually falling victim to sleep in the dead of the night.

Today was the day that Jisung planned on telling his friends.

It was the weekend - a Saturday, the day where he and his group would meet up at the café on campus just to have a get-together. It was a tradition of theirs and they had never once broken it.

Jisung got there first - he had somehow managed to leave early even though he had to explain to Minho that they had to be apart for a few hours. After all, the elder had a class and as he was in his final year of college, he needed to be going to them. Jisung giggled at him and kissed away his adorable pout before leaving to head to the café.

Hyunjin showed up with Seungmin not long after, not giving Jisung much time to rehearse how he was going to tell them the news. He thought that they'd definitely noticed how jittery he was, and when Felix sat down next to him a few minutes later, the blonde linked their hands together to try and ease the stress.

'You okay, Ji?' Seungmin asked, leaning over the table slightly so that he could properly hear.

'Yeah,' Jisung stuttered, 'I just... I have something to tell you and I'm really scared about how you'll react.'

Hyunjin reached over the table to take a hold of Jisung's other hand. 'No matter what it is,' he started, 'We love you, Ji. You don't have to be nervous.'

Jisung nodded a few times, taking in a deep breath and squeezing both Felix and Hyunjin's hands tightly. 'I'm pregnant,' he blurted, 'I'm having a baby.'

There was silence for a few seconds and Jisung tensed up, fearing rejection from his own friends. However, he breathed out a massive sigh of relief when Felix practically launched himself onto him, a huge smile on the blonde's face that lit up his eyes.

'Oh my gosh,' Felix exclaimed, 'Oh my gosh! We're gonna be uncles!'

Across the table, Seungmin and Hyunjin also had beaming smiles on their faces, and Seungmin stood up and leant across so that he could hug Jisung too. 'When did you find out?' Seungmin asked excitedly.

'Just over a week ago,' Jisung answered, 'I really thought you guys would leave me, or something.'

'No way, dude,' Felix replied. 'We love you too much.'

'Wait,' Hyunjin started, 'How did this... happen? Like... who's the dad?'

Jisung felt there was no need keeping it a secret from his own friends. 'Minho.'

Hyunjin practically screamed. 'I knew it! I knew there was something going on between you two!'

'It's... a bit more complicated than that,' Jisung explained, 'We just... had a vulnerable night a few months ago and this is what came out of it. But I do really like him.'

'I always thought you guys would be cute together,' Seungmin said, 'Every time he passed us in the halls he'd always say hi to you, and you'd blush so bad. It was adorable.'

Jisung just giggled at Seungmin's response. 'Thank you guys for being so great about it,' he said, 'Now I just... I need to find a way of telling Chan.'

'You think he won't be okay with it?' Felix asked.

'I think he'll be fine with it,' Jisung shrugged, 'But he gets super protective. What I'm scared about is him not accepting Minho.'

'Have they met before?' Felix continued.

'No,' Jisung answered, 'I don't think I've mentioned anyone but you guys to him. I'm scared he's gonna think that because Minho and I aren't in a relationship that Minho's taken advantage of me, or something. Which he hasn't.'

'Then take Minho with you when you tell him,' Seungmin said, 'Show Chan that you guys are serious about all this.'

Jisung contemplated what Seungmin said - it was a fairly obvious solution, and he really could've thought of it himself. 'I will,' he answered, 'Can you guys be there too?'

All three of them instantly nodded, and as they finished with their get-together, Jisung made sure to give them all a big hug out of gratitude before walking back to his dorm. The October wind was beginning to intensify and he was starting to regret not bringing a coat.

When he entered his dorm, Minho was there, his hoodie still on so he'd most likely just arrived home from class himself. When the elder saw how Jisung was shivering, he immediately jumped up, pulling the younger into his arms and rubbing him along his back and neck to try and warm him up.

'I told you to take a coat,' Minho giggled, ruffling Jisung's hair.

'I apologise,' Jisung bowed, moving to sit down on the bed in Minho's lap. He rested his head in the crook of Minho's neck, appreciating the warmth that he gave off and allowing himself to relax whilst Minho cradled him.

'How did it go?' Minho asked, burying his nose into Jisung's hair.

'Good,' Jisung smiled, 'They were so great about it. They seemed excited.'

'That's amazing,' Minho replied, 'I'm proud of you.'

Jisung nuzzled his face further into Minho as a response. 'I just need to tell Chan now,' he stated.

'Do that when you're ready, okay?' Minho said.

'Yeah, I will.'

'How about we order something in tonight?' Minho suggested, and Jisung instantly agreed. Nobody in their right mind would ever turn down takeout.

They ordered some pizza from the local takeout, curling up in their usual position of Minho being behind Jisung with plates next to them and a series playing on the TV.

Jisung could stay like this forever.

The way he felt so comfortable in Minho's lap with the elder stroking his stomach was practically euphoria for Jisung. He leant his head back onto Minho's shoulder and the elder responded with a kiss on the cheek, which Jisung would admit definitely made him blush. Minho had been making him flustered quite a lot, recently.

Jisung joined his hands with Minho's over his stomach before they got truly comfortable under the sheets, having moved the plates onto the bedside table and promising themselves to put them away in the morning.

Under the covers, Jisung had turned around, laying practically on top of Minho with his head on the elder's chest and Minho's arms wrapped around his back.

'Goodnight, darling.'

Jisung really tried not to squeal upon hearing the pet name, so instead he leant up and pressed a kiss onto Minho's chin and wished the elder a good night in return.

Jisung's pretty sure he blacked out right after that.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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