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Jisung wasn't sure how long he had been staring at it now. It must've been an hour, at least.

Eventually, after his butt had become sore from sitting on the hard tiles, Jisung forced himself up, slowly and carefully to avoid re-activating his crippling nausea.

He held onto the sides of the sink, observing himself in the mirror. He took easy notice of the dark circles under his eyes, and the way his face looked just a little bit paler than normal. To him, he looked awful, but he hoped it wouldn't be too noticeable to others.

Instead of choosing to fixate on his very major current problem, Jisung finished washing up and dressed himself into proper clothes, preparing himself for his morning class.

The morning class that he shared with Minho. You know, the guy who's equally as responsible for Jisung's newfound problem as he is.

Jisung tries not to think about it.

When he makes it to class after a surprisingly nice 10-minute walk, Jisung immediately sits himself down in the far back corner of the lecture hall, hoping that the professor won't pay any attention to him from back there.

Very unluckily for him, his best friend Felix spotted him immediately, waving at him from the doors at the front of the classroom before he ran up the stairs, plopping himself down on the seat to Jisung's left.

'So,' Felix started, resting his arm around Jisung's shoulder, the same way they always did. 'Are you still feeling sick?'

'Uh, yeah,' Jisung answered hesitantly. 'It's, um... it's not as bad as last week, though.'

'That's good, then!' Felix smiled, patting Jisung on the shoulder whilst the other man struggled to keep a happy look on his face. Whilst he felt bad for trying to cover up his struggles to his friend, he needed more time to process it himself.

Then, right when Felix turned around to talk to Hyunjin (who had just taken a seat on Felix's other side), Jisung saw the main doors open. A brunette man walked in, the same round glasses on his face as he always wore, and his favourite blue hoodie resting rather cutely around his figure.

Jisung tried to hide his face away. He looked down at his notebook on the small moveable table in front of him, but his efforts ended up being futile as Minho jogged up the stairs, choosing to sit in the row in front of Jisung, slightly below him.

After Minho very quickly sorted out his equipment, he swivelled around in his chair, looking right at Jisung with a wide boxy smile on his face.

Jisung could stare at that smile all day. Unfortunately, though, the light in Minho's eyes disappeared quickly after they made eye contact - Jisung hoped the elder hadn't noticed his slightly ill complexion.

In all honesty, Jisung and Minho hadn't talked about that evening since it happened. They woke up next to each other in the morning, had showers separately, then agreed that it wouldn't be brought up after Jisung had thanked Minho for being there for him the evening before.

Now, two months had passed, and both boys still held the same relationship status as they had before. Simply friends who occasionally decided to study together at the library after a lecture. Simply friends who sometimes went to the convenience store together. Simply friends.

However, now that he's sitting here with Minho's baby inside him, Jisung isn't quite sure how he feels about that.

'Are you okay, Jisungie? Are you still sick?' Minho asked, reaching his hand up so he could place it on Jisung's knee. There was a genuine concern in his expression and it really tugged at Jisung's heart.

'Um, yeah...' Jisung said, taking in a deep breath. He wasn't sure where to go from there. He knew that he inevitably needed to talk with Minho. Did he want to rip the bandaid off, and just get it done with now, only mere hours after he had found out himself? Or should he drag it on, letting it nip at his mind just so that he can avoid the confrontation?

As much as Jisung loved avoiding such confrontations, he knew he had to just get it done. Especially now, when it's still so early on - if it goes wrong, then at least Jisung still has lots of time to figure out what he's going to do.

'Minho,' Jisung started, 'Are you free after class?'

'Yeah,' Minho answered, 'Why?'

'I just... really need to talk to you. Is that okay?'

'Of course it is,' Minho replied, pushing the frames of his glasses back up to rest higher on his nose. 'I'll wait for you.'

Jisung muttered a quite but sincere thank you and then the elder turned back around, watching as the professor walked into the room and began to set up his stuff.

What was supposed to be an hour long lecture felt like days as Jisung waited. He tried to focus on his notes to make it pass by faster, but even then he still couldn't concentrate.

As the clock signalled that it had just struck ten-thirty in the morning, Jisung let out a dramatic sigh of relief that had Felix and Hyunjin laughing. He packed away his notebook and his pen back into his small bag and waited for his classmates to file out.

Felix and Hyunjin were a little confused as to why Jisung wanted to wait for Minho, but in the end they simply decided to walk out together, promising Jisung that they'd come and visit after their afternoon class with a gift of food and more painkillers. Jisung thanked them as they left.

Now, it was just him and Minho (and maybe four or five other students that were hanging around to talk to the professor). They walked down to the central aisle of stairs, but before they descended, Jisung made a bold move and took Minho's hand in his, leaning slightly against the elder's side as they climbed down the stairs and out of the lecture hall.

Minho stopped them right next to some random bulletin board in the now-empty corridor, their hands still entwined gently as they faced each other.

'So,' Minho started, 'What did you wanna talk to me about?'

Jisung stuttered for a moment, taking a look around; even though the hallway was clear of any other students or professors, it didn't feel very comfortable. Jisung was not about to tell Minho that he's pregnant with his baby in some dusty college corridor.

'Can we go somewhere more comfy?' Jisung asked, 'And more private.'

'Yeah, of course,' Minho answered, 'Your dorm? I think my roommate's home, and if you want private, then... yeah. You get it.'

Jisung giggled for a bit at Minho before they started off on the ten-minute walk to his dorm. They both knew the way; after all, they lived in the same building - but the walk was comfortably quiet. No words - just Jisung, Minho, and the bustle of people surrounding them.


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