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After the two had decided that they wanted to keep the baby, Minho had called the doctor's clinic to schedule an appointment, which they had planned for two days later - the day Jisung hit the nine-week mark.

So here they were, sitting side by side in the waiting room of the clinic with their hands entwined in Minho's lap, with Jisung's head perched calmly on the elder's shoulder. They were a little bit earlier than they needed to be, but what could they say - they were excited to see their little one.

Over the past two days, Minho had been practically living in Jisung's dorm. Still, no one else knew about their current predicament, though Felix had begun to theorise that Minho and Jisung were seeing each other - which Jisung supposed wasn't exactly false. They didn't have a label for their current relationship and they were quite happy to keep it that way.

When the doctor called out their names, Jisung and Minho immediately sprung to their feet, following the kind-looking lady into a private consultation room, where she directed Jisung to sit in a comfy padded chair whilst Minho sat on a stool beside him.

After she quickly rummaged through the files, she introduced herself as Dr. Yoo, and she told them that she'd be their OBGYN over the course of the pregnancy.

'Before we get into the fun stuff,' she said, 'I'm going to need to ask a few procedural admin questions. Is that okay?'

Both men nodded at her.

'First of all, I just want to make sure I have the correct info in my records,' she continued, 'May I know your full names and dates of birth?'

Jisung quickly decided that he'd speak first. 'Han Jisung,' he said, 'And I was born on September fourteenth, 2000.'

After Jisung finished, Minho took the cue to introduce himself, too. 'Lee Minho. October twenty-fifth, 1998.'

'Thank you,' Dr. Yoo said, 'Mr Lee, may I ask what your relation is to Mr Han, and the child?'

Minho looked at Jisung, unsure of what to answer - after all, they didn't have labels. Jisung seemed just as confused as he was.

'I'm the other father,' is all Minho decided to say, hoping Dr. Yoo would catch the drift.

'Okay,' she responded, neatening her files into an organised pile. 'Now, I need to know about certain health habits. Do either of you smoke, drink, or take any other form of drug regularly?'

Both of them immediately answered no, but Jisung moved to speak. 'Do anxiety meds count?'

'They do,' Dr. Yoo answered, 'Unfortunately, we can only approve very specific anxiety medication as a last-resort method. Do you think that would be a problem?'

Jisung pondered for a moment. 'I don't think so,' he settled on. His anxiety fluctuated regularly. Some days he was fine, some days it was present but not too much of a hinderance, other days it was completely unbearable. He was a bit nervous at the prospect of being taken off the medication, but if he supposed it was for his child's health, then he would agree to it.

'Amazing,' the doctor finished, 'Now. Would you like to see your baby?'

Both Minho and Jisung turned to look at each other, and Jisung thinks he melted internally at the sight of Minho's distinct and sparkly heart eyes. They both nodded vigorously, excitement coursing through their veins.

Dr. Yoo began to move around, clearly setting up the equipment she would need to have a look at the baby. 'You're probably not going to see much this early on,' she said, 'But, the first trimester is the most important in terms of development. Right now the most you'll see is probably going to be a little blob. But, in a month's time, they'll already look a lot more like a baby.'

Minho and Jisung sat there in fascination, thinking over the words that the doctor had just said. Jisung leaned back in the chair, his hand still tightly enclosed by Minho's as he watched Dr. Yoo do her job.

'I'm sorry if this is quite cold at first,' she said, 'Do you mind lifting up your shirt?'

Before Jisung could move to do it himself, Minho did it for him, pulling his shirt up so it rested just under his chest. Jisung smiled at him in thanks before putting their hands back together.

When the substance touched his abdomen he squealed a little, clearly unprepared for the chill of the gel even though he was given a warning. He clasped Minho's hand a little tighter.

After Dr. Yoo was finished applying the gel, she brought out the wand that was used to carry out the ultrasound, pressing it with a little bit of pressure onto his stomach. It was a bit uncomfortable at first but he quickly forgot the feeling after he heard the first soundwaves travelling through the room.

'I'm guessing you know what that sound is,' Dr. Yoo said with a slight giggle.

Jisung turned to look at Minho, only to see that the older man was already staring at him, with tears beginning to collect in the corners of his eyes.

Minho moved closer to Jisung and pushed his head into the crook of Jisung's neck, crying softly into the skin there whilst Jisung cried tears of his own - one hand patting Minho's hair whilst the other was slapped over his mouth.

Dr. Yoo didn't interrupt them - as a trained professional, she understood that hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time was always an emotional moment for expectant parents.

Whilst Jisung and Minho were crying onto each other, Dr. Yoo had projected an image onto the screen - monochromatic and rather obscure but still clearly the view of what the ultrasound was picking up. Dr. Yoo pointed at one specific area and when she told the parents that this was the beginnings of their child, the tears only grew louder and stronger.

She asked them if they wanted prints of the sonogram results, to which they both immediately said yes. She passed Jisung a tissue to wipe away the gel on his stomach whilst she went to collect the prints, but Minho took the blue tissue from him, wiping up the younger's abdomen for him.

Both of them couldn't see very well; the tears in their eyes clouded their vision and once Minho had thrown away the tissue, Jisung sat up, dangling off of the edge of the seat so that Minho could hold him a little easier - and he did.

When Dr. Yoo returned, the two men were locked tightly in an embrace, both of their cheeks stained with tears as their cries began to run dry.

Of course, they separated upon hearing the doctor sit down, but nothing was stopping them from bursting back into tears upon looking at their own copies of the sonogram.

'I want to see you both for checkups monthly for the time being,' Dr. Yoo said, 'For now, that's every four weeks. How about we start at week twelve, exactly three weeks from now?'

Minho quickly checked their schedules that he had saved on his phone and informed the doctor that, yes, that was fine for them. She gave them a happy smile and told them that they were free to go before she packed away her things and left the room.

For the entire drive back to Jisung's dorm, the two men hadn't separated their hands, and Jisung hadn't stopped staring at the little picture that had so quickly become dear to his heart.


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