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I wake up in Harley's arms on the floor with a half packed suitcase next to me

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I wake up in Harley's arms on the floor with a half packed suitcase next to me. We were told to only pack what we need so I packed everything, I don't have much, all our clothes are in Julieta's closet because we share everything.

I packed my stuffed animals, all the USB's with my music, and everything else I need. I assume Jules is packing the clothes because they're in her closet, except the one's I bought for myself with my money.

I get up and walk to my bathroom deciding to do my skincare and makeup before I leave to pack them. I wash my face do my makeup and pack those up in my suitcase. I grab my phone and laptop chargers putting them in to along with the laptop it's self in the bag.

I walk to Jules room to find her two suitcases so I open on the find clothes, I grab a pair of plain grey sweats with a matching sweatshirt and a white crop top underneath, I get a pair of white socks.

Harley is up when I get back to my room so I give him a small kiss then grab my phone heading to the kitchen.

When I get to the kitchen I find all of my friends and sisters eating breakfast waiting for me to get up.

"Finally, you got any word from Jane?" Gabs groans spotting me as I walk in taking a seat. "Good morning to you too." I have an annoyed tone as I check my phone for notifications.

I see that Jane texted me that she is on her way and that she'll be here soon. "She'll be here soon." I say as I grab some cereal pouring it in a bowl with some milk.

If you put milk than cereal, what the fuck? Stop you dip shit.

"I'll grab your bag." Andrei says to Jules and she nods, "Can you grab mine too." Gabs asks not holding back, I give her a look. "What?" She lifts her hands with the question I just roll my eyes in response right as Harley walks in with mine and Gabby's bags. I giggle as Gabby hugs Harley for his kind deed.

I finish my cereal right as I hear a knock at the door Gwen opens the door to reveal Jane wearing a big smile and green professional dress. She gets confused so I quickly grab the door and smile at Jane. "Jane this is Gwen our friend." Jane nods as I motion for her to come in.

"Oh and this is Harley my boyfriend, Andrei Julieta's boyfriend and McKenna Gabby's girlfriend than Luca our other friend." I point to each gathered around the island as I say their names.

She just nods and says a nice "Hi" to them. "So your father should be here in 2 hours to pick you up." We nod and I sit back down where I was before Harley putting his hands on my shoulders.

"You guys gotta go you have practice." I quickly remember. "No we can stay and miss one practice." Gwen says, I get mad, "No you can't there's a game this Friday for one and if you don't go they won't have enough for the stunts and I did not spend 2 months on choreography for you to miss it." They all chuckle knowing I'm serious.

They all start to leave, Harley giving me a long kiss then I give hugs to all my friends, then kissing Harley again. We wave as they walk out leaving just the 4 of us in the house.


It's been a few hours and our father just texted Jane that he will be here any minute. I'm freaking out on the inside but leaving to outside freaking out to Gabby and Jules.

All of a sudden I hear a knock at the door. I shoot up off the couch then open the door revealing a tall man with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes with a little stubble on his face. He's older and in a nice suit that looks really expensive like more than our house expensive.

The man next to him look a lot younger he must be our oldest brother he has moms glass blue eyes and lighter brown hair, he's also wearing a suit but without the jacket so it's a dress shirt and pants with a vest overtop. His sleeves are rolled up showing his many tattoos.

"Hi Bambino, I'm your father Marcelo Di Niro and this is your brother-" Before the first could finish his sentence my 'brother' cuts him off, "Leonardo Di Niro your oldest brother." I don't know what to say so I notion for them to come in.

They walk in and turn to the living room seeing Jules and Gabby getting off the couch. "This is Gabriella, Julieta and then I'm Adrianna." I say pointing to Gabby than Jules, Jane stands up pulling out some paper work from her bag.

"Well we should get the paper work done so you guys can leave I'm sure you have a flight to catch." Jane starts walking to the kitchen and our 'father' and 'brother' follow.

"Oh my god." I say turning towards my sisters. "They're so different than what I pictured." Jules says "I'm not sure what I pictured but I wasn't expecting them to show up in full suits, and expensive ones at that." They nod in agreement of my statement.

Just then the three of them walk out of the kitchen, "You girls ready?" Or 'father' says.

It's weird saying father but I just nod grabbing our bags I hand one to Jules than Gabby but before we can walk out the door our brother grabs the bags from our hands handing them to 3 men who have walked in. They look like secret service agents.

Our father motions for us to walk out the door, we walk out to the porch stepping down the steps knowing it our last time ever in this house. It's our home, our first real home the places we lived before were in ally ways or when mom got a job we stayed at some shelters. But this was our first home.

The 3 men put our bags in the trunk of a black suv then opening the door for us. Our father and brother get in the drivers and passengers seats, we get in the back no problems. The man closes the door walking away to another suv behind us.

We start to drive and it's kinda weird like there's no tension but it's like we just don't know what to talk about. Gabby is in the middle with Jules and I one the sides so I lay my head on the window and watch the town I once called home slip into the distance.

After about 45 minutes of driving we pull into a private airport the car keeps driving till we pull up to a jet with guards everywhere. The jet is small and white it's nothing special just basic but still I could never afford.

We come to a holt and a man opens my door so the 3 of us can get out then our father and brother get out to. "Wow." Gabby says staring at the jet in front of us. I hear a chuckle from our brother but we start to walk towards it. We walk up the 4 steps to get in and we are met by a kind flight attendant.

I give her a polite smile and continue walking, there is a couch that is facing a table with 2 chairs on either side. Gabby sits by the window seat then Jules on the chair next to her and I sit on the couch. Our father sits across from Gabby and our brother sits next to him.

After about 2 minutes the plane takes off.
"So where are we going?" I ask wondering cause we were never told. "Italy." Our father says pulling a laptop out of nowhere.

I swear he pulled that sit out of his god damn pocket.

"Like the country!?" My brother nods with a grin. "So we're not even going to be on the same continent as our friends?" Gabby is still trying to process this information.

I sit my head looking out the window just staring down over land, it's so peaceful up here, those are my thoughts as I slowly drift to sleep.

I hope you guys liked it, it's not very good but hey it's still a chapter. I'm gonna try and write two more chapters today and than maybe one or two tomorrow so stay posted for those. Toodles!



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