Beach Day (2)

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(Ignore the date on the picture)

I wake up to laughter coming from the lower deck I throw the covers off of me and put on my shorts and sweatshirt, I grab my phone and head down to see what all the ruckus is about

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I wake up to laughter coming from the lower deck I throw the covers off of me and put on my shorts and sweatshirt, I grab my phone and head down to see what all the ruckus is about.

I only go a deck down and find everyone sitting in the indoor living room, the sun is shining closer to the ground but still not setting yet.

"Oh hello sleepy head." My father says as I walk past them into the kitchen. I give him a smile before walking to the fridge and grabbing a water.

"I'm gonna tan well the sun is still up." I say walking past them again, "oooo, yeah me too, you coming Ju." She nods and follows us out.

We go down the lowest deck for some privacy, we lay on 3 of the 6 beds and close our eyes. When we were young our mom couldn't afford sunscreen but we still played in the sun.

And over time our skin got used to it so now we don't burn anymore, we rarely burned anyway but still.

As soon as mom had money she took us to a dermatologist and he said we have an extremely low chance of getting skin cancer from the sun so mom didn't have to worry about sunscreen.

I set a timer so we can flip for an even tan. I haven't tanned in a while and it felt so nice, feeling the warm sun on my back was glorious.

I didn't worry about my scars or my body I just laid there still.

Completely still.

Not a care in the world.

"What do you guys think they're hiding?" I ask wanting to start a useful conversation.

"Oh come on, can't you trust them? I don't think they're hiding anything." Gabby says annoyed from the other side of Jules.

Jules sits up and looks to her right at me, "Yeah I think Gabby's, like what can they possibly be hiding, they seem nice and important, and it's nice to not have to worry about money or college anymore." Jules shrugs before lying down again.

"No, they're hiding something, something dangerous I can feel it. I have like a spidey sense now." I say 100% serious but Gabby still chuckled.

"You have trouble trusting people, we know, you have a right to after all you've been through but please do it for us." She looks at me with pleading eyes. I sigh before nodding but no way in hell am I dropping this yet.

"I'm done, I'm getting hot I'm gonna go." I says standing up, it's was a complete lie but I need to get away from them. They think I'm broken and I need to chill out but I can't.

I really can't.

I walk up the stairs to the upper decks into the kitchen, I sit on the couch and pull out my phone. Everyone has gone their own ways some for a nap, some outside, some swimming but now I'm alone.

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