Movie Marathon

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I roll over and open my eyes to be met with bright light flooding in through the glass balcony door blinding me

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I roll over and open my eyes to be met with bright light flooding in through the glass balcony door blinding me. I cover my eyes with my hand and groan. I sit up rubbing my eyes looking around, I have like 25 bags on the floor waiting to be put into my new closet.

I grab my old phone and AirPods being to lazy to set up my new phone to listen to music. I put my favorite playlist on shuffle but skip till I get to 'The Story' by Conan Gray putting it on repeat. I start by unpacking everything and laying it on the floor. I start to get overwhelmed and my hands start to shake I turn off my music and head downstairs to get food.

I walk into the kitchen and see all my siblings and father sitting scattered around eating stuff. I walk over to get coffee my hands still shaking at my sides, I grab a mug and pour some adding milk and sugary shit to make it taste good. I take a seat at the end of the nook table and take a sip.

"Morning amore," My father says making me look up to meet his gaze, "we missed you at dinner last night." He picks up his coffee taking a sip still looking at me. "Yeah I was really tried and had a bit of a sensory overload." He just nods in response taking another sip of his coffee.
"I should get back to putting my things away." I get up starting to walk out when I'm stopped, "You need to eat first." Jules says making me stop I sigh and roll my eyes and walk back to the table and put a spoonful of egg, some bacon and one piece of toast on my plate I pour some water in my cup and start to eat.


I'm not very hungry but I'm able to eat all the eggs, 3 of the 4 pieces of bacon and half of the toast. I finish the water then put my dishes in the sink and grab my coffee and head upstairs to finish my room.

I walk in and see it just as I left it, I take a seat on the floor and start to grab things, I get all the things that need to be hung up and hang those up which took way to long. I grab all my new shoes and put them on the self then fold all my pants, skirts and shorts before putting them in drawers. I close the glass doors to 'hide' the clothes but really it just looks bougie.

I'm finally done, I lay on my closet wood floors, I close my eyes but after a few minutes I feel a seizure coming on. I move as far away from the doors and shelves as I can get so I don't hit them and hurt myself. I start to shake on the floor.

After a few seconds I stop, I hate my seizures I generalized epilepsy, sometimes I have absence seizures and more often I get clonic seizures, I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 3 and mom couldn't afford the treatments.

I sometimes get them multiple times a day, the most I have had was 7 in one day. I get a call from a caller I have called way more than I'd like to admit.

"Hey babe."  I pick up the phone to be met with the familiar voice. "Hey handsome." I reply smiling at hearing his voice again.
"How's your new life?" I giggle at his question. "It's fine, we went shopping and they're rolling in it, I thought we had money but nooooooo they give a whole new meaning to the word rich." I'm not even exaggerating in this it's true. "Damn" he chuckled I roll my eyes. "What's new at home?" I start to make my way over to my bed plopping down.

"Nothing much, there's a rumor that you guys were killed by aliens and the government is trying to cover it up." I laugh at the ridiculous claims. "I'm being serious." I raise my eyebrows expectantly even though he can't see me.

"Ok, ok city council made a memorial bench for your mom, because of all the money she donated to the city." I smile a small tear drops from my eye. "And it's purple." More teardrops fall, they knew my mom's favorite color because her brand was purple and that is the only color she would wear to events and interviews.

We spend the next hours talking about anything and everything but Harley had to go cause it's 4am in Dallas. I scroll through instagram for a little till there's a knock at my door. "Come in." I say then the door opens to reveal Romeo, I give him a smile and he returns it. "Massimo, Lorenzo, Matteo Gabriella, Julieta and I are gonna watch an all gonna watch some movies in the theater you wanna join?" I smile grabbing my phone and getting off the bed, "yeah sure." We walk downstairs to the kitchen where our siblings are getting candy and popcorn.

"What kind of shot is this?!" Gabby yells grabbing a bag from the pantry. "That's galatine they're my favorite." Matteo says but gabby is horrified. "How the hell do y'all not have twizzlers or York or Mike And Ike or Warheads or Butterfingers or Gushers or Reese's or Almond joys which I hate but adri love or Jolly Ranchers or candy corn or or or Hershey's." She pretend faints Jules and I roll our eyes.

"I am kinda craving Butterfingers." Jules points out, Lorenzo grabs some keys off the counter and starts to walk out but stops halfway and turns around, "are you dumbasses coming to get candy or not?" Gabby smiles and runs over followed by the rest of us.

It's been 6 hours and we got some American candies and the boys love them we just watched some American movie like The Sandlot and Top gun, we're in the middle of We're the Millers when our older brothers walk in. Oh and did I forget to mention that when they said movie theater you think of like a home theater but noooooo they have a full movie theater! But unlike other movie theaters is had big huge couches.

"What are you idioti watching." Leo interrupted I grab the remote as it's about to get to the best part. "It's We're the Millers. It's my favorite movie." I give him a big smile. "Scooch over." says doing a punching motion towards Enzo on the end he scooch's over making room for Dom, Val and Leo. We all had a cushion leaning back getting comfortable. I press play on the movie passing some candy over to our brothers.

After dinner was ready, we head out in a big group all together Gabby talking with Lorenzo and Matteo falling behind with Romeo. We all go to our seats from the first night. Dinner tonight is lasagna which was ducking amazing.

After dinner we all went back to the movie theater to watch yet another amazing American movie. "We should watch Legally Blonde." Gabby yells excitedly I just roll my eyes before responding. "NO. They're gonna hate it, it's a teen girl movie with Reese Whiterspoon when she was young." She rolls her eyes in response annoyed. "Rush hours" Jules starts "I think they'll like that it's a funny movie not girly at all. Or TOP GUN Maverick." I think about for a second, "Top Gun Maverick." The three of us nod in agreement.

After the almost 2 hour movie we all go to bed early tired from doing nothing all day.


Sry it's short and unedited I just wasn't really sure what exactly to do for this one.


Xoxo- Gabby

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