🏈American football 🏈

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Ring Ring Ring

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Ring Ring Ring

I look up at hearing the bell, placing my bookmark in my book. I stand up and walk over to Ronny who is in my last class

"You're going to the game right? Well I mean of course you are your brothers are playing." Ronny asks and answers her own question in a duh tone.

I giggle, "yeah, Adri is really excited, she cheering." We walk to our lockers, the rest of the group is there as well.

Everyone makes different conversations well I text Andrei as we walk out. Andrei and I haven't talked much since mom died but we call when we can.

When we were in Italy it was really hard because of the time difference, but now it's only a few hours difference.

"Who ya texting?" Sawyer asks, I look up after sending my last message. "A friend from back home." I see Rome's smile falter for a moment.

We all get in our cars to leave, there is a big game tonight, the first of the year. Adri is cheering, Rome is the tight end, Teo is the quarterback, Dallas is a wide receiver, Griffin is an offensive lineman, Jameson is the fullback.

Sawyer and the girls don't play football, but Sawyer plays soccer with some of the boys.

The game is in 4 hours, so it gives me enough time to get my homework done, I don't have too much.

When we get home the boys do the before game rituals, they eat spaghetti, and they stretch on the kitchen floor, they say their rituals make sure they win the game but I just think it's fucking weird.


When we get to the game we had the whole family, Teo and Rome both went before us because they're on the team, and Adri is cheering so she also had to come early. Dad, Leo, Val, Dom and Gio are all coming a little later because they had work. So it's just Enzo, Mass, Jules, and I

"Are you girls going to go with your friends or stay with us?" Enzo asks looking around to find our friends.

"Oh yeah, Cora, Ronny and Sawyer just got here." Jules says looking at a text Cora just sent her. She's gotten really close with Cora.

Adri hasn't gotten really close to anyone but she has made some new friends from the team, and I have gotten pretty close with Ronny.

"What about us?" Sawyer has a joking tone as the group appears. Sawyer throws an arm around Jules, which the boys seem to hate.

Ronny comes over to me linking our arms together, "well we're gonna go to the student section meet you after the game here or at the car?" Jules asks so we have a plan in place, she hates not having a plan.

"Probably by the car." Mass answers, we give a thumbs up and walk away.


We have been at the game for about an hour and a half, Adri has joined the group, since the cheer squad is really big they made it so half the girls cheer in the first half, all during halftime and then the other half after.

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