The Party

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(Ep 2. The Weirdo on Maple Street)                                                                                                            Monday, November 7th, 1983                                                                                                                    Caytlinn's POV

The girl had shaved hair, an oversized jacket, and a shirt. She was on the couch, breathing heavily, and looked scared.

"Is there a number we can call for your parents?" Mike asked as I joined the boys.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Dustin asked, fully interested.

"Dustin!" I scolded him.

"Did you run away?" Lucas questioned.

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" Mike asked.

"Is that blood?" Lucas asked, sticking his hand out.

I slapped it away and looked at the boys. They had no idea how to handle a girl before. That's probably why they called me over. I sighed, and looked at my feet, before looking back up at the boys.

"Stop it! You guys are freaking her out!" I shouted.

"She's freaking me out!" Lucas shot back.

"I bet she's deaf," Dustin joked, before clapping his hands together.

The girl jumped and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. He was such an idiot, but it kind of fit him.

"Not deaf," he muttered.

"All right. That's enough. All right. You found her in the woods, in the rain, and brought her here? She's scared," I cut off everyone's questions. "Mike, do you have any clean laundry down here that she could wear?"

Mike nodded and walked to the corner of the basement. He reached into a basket and pulled out some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. A large boom of thunder made all of us jump, and I looked at the girl to see if she was okay.

"Here, these are clean," Mike stated as he brought the clothes over.

I grabbed them and handed them to the girl. She felt the fabric with her face, before removing the jacket and standing up. She then grabbed the bottom of the oversized shirt she was wearing and started to pull up.

"NO! NO! NO!" Mike shouted.

I reached over, and grabbed her wrists, preventing her from taking her shirt off. She looked at me with innocent eyes. Lucas, Mike, and Dustin turned around, covering their eyes. They had no manners. They were all gasping and breathing heavily.

"Not here. Okay? Privacy, you know what that is?" I asked, picking up the clothes, and grabbing the girl's wrist.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit,"

"Shut up!"

"Holy... mother...oh my..."

"Here, come with me, you three stay out here!" I snapped at the boys, leading the girl to the bathroom.

"What do you think we were going to do? Walk and watch you too?" Dustin asked sarcastically.

I smirked at him, and the girl walked into the bathroom. I was about to shut it when she stop it. I turned back around and stared at her. Her innocent eyes melt my heart.

"Don't you want it closed?" I asked.

"No," she whispered, innocently.

"Okay... let's keep the door, like this," I suggested, slowly shutting the door.

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