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(Ep 8 - The Upside Down)                                                                                                                Saturday, November 12th, 1983                                                                                                Caytlinn's POV

I had gone to use the restroom when Jonathan and Nancy ran into me. They looked at each other before looking at me. They were acting weird, and it kind of freaked me out.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked.

"Listen. Quick question. If no then stay here, but yes come with us, okay?" Jonathan asked.

"Sure...?" I stuttered.

"Do you know how to shoot, or set something on fire, or go hunting? 'Cause Harrington, if you do then, we're going to need all the firepower we got," Jonathan asked, staring me in the eyes. "Backup and all."

"I know how to shoot a shotgun, not sure about fire, but I do know how to hunt..." I began before I was dragged away.

They had a plan, and once we were in the car, I was filled in. It was the most exotic plan I had ever heard of, but to be honest, it sounded fun and scary at the same time. I liked it.

Steve's POV

After I finished cleaning the spray paint off of the sign, I headed back to our house. I parked my car and headed inside. I dropped my keys on the table, and slowly made my way upstairs. I knocked on Caytlinn's door, wanting to apologize.

"Hey, Cay you in there? I want to talk," I sighed, knowing that I was about to do something stupid.

She didn't answer, so I tried her door. I walked inside and stared at the empty room. She either didn't come home or snuck out without our parents knowing.


"Hey! Steve! Can you come down here real quick?" my mom yelled. "Nancy's mom called and asked if you were home,"

I couldn't let her see me like this. If she that I had gotten into a fight, she would call my dad. And he would get on me, for not winning, or not throwing the punch right. Or just yell at me in general. Or the fact that I had lost my sister several times in the last week, so I just yelled back.

"Was Nancy there?"

"I mean, I didn't hear..."

"Was Nancy there?" I repeated, a bit forcefully.

"Don't think so!"

I slid down against the wall and clutched my head. I could hear my mom climbing the stairs, so I jumped up and ran into my room. A few seconds later she knocked on my door.

"Stevie? Everything alright?" she asked.

"I'm fine,"

"Are you sure? Cause' sweetie you can tell me anything. And if you having issues just go to the problem and apologize. That's what I do,"

I looked up and realized that I had to go to Jonathan. He was my problem and I had to talk with him. I had dropped Caytlinn off at his house plenty of times, so I knew where it was.

I scrambled up and ran to my door waiting for my mom to leave. Once she did, I ran out, down the stairs, grabbed my keys, and ran outside. I jumped into my car and began driving. It was dark once I reached Jonathan's house. I slowly made my way to the door and knocked.

Caytlinn's POV

After dropping by the police station to grab whatever Jonathan and Nancy needed we headed to Will's house. They had a plan, and I did not want to intrude. We had set the trap up, and we all circled the living room. Jonathan grabbed two knives from the kitchen and headed back. He handed one to Nancy and held one for himself.

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