15. The Underworld

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Robin searched Isadora's eyes after asking his question but found he couldn't read them. At some moments she would seem so open and then at others she would become indecipherable.

"I can train you to fight, Robin, but I can't make you a vampire slayer. There is a lot more involved with becoming one than just training. There is an entire process that one has to persevere through."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes." He said earnestly. "Please, teach me."

She ran her fingers through her hair and looked away. "Why do you want to become a vampire slayer?"

Robin went quiet. "I have my reasons."

She turned back to him with an intense gaze. "I know you do. Everyone does whether it's to nobly protect or they were forced into it. I can't make you a vampire slayer, Robin. The secrets of those rituals died with my Mother. I don't know how to perform them. All I know is that I have to carry on the legacy she left to me."

Robin tightened his grasp around the dagger. "So, there really is no way for me to become a slayer then?"

That was the answer he was afraid she would give. He wanted this. He wanted to become a slayer more than anything. He needed to. Robin had to slay that vampire that destroyed his life. He had to find Luis. If he didn't he would lose his mind.

She shook her head. "Not in the sense that I am one. But I can, however, teach you how to use that dagger. I can teach you how to protect yourself. You can still slay a vampire."

Robin took a step toward her. "That's good enough for me. All I want is to know how to slay them. Teach me anything and everything you can, please."

He meant it. Every word. If he could just learn how to destroy them that would be enough to achieve his goal. He would take what he could get.

She smiled. "Okay, I will teach you."

Robin grinned. "Thank you."

Isadora smiled and nodded once as she walked past him.

Robin turned around as she began to take off her necklace and set it down on her dressing table.

"How did you become a vampire slayer? You said it was full of rituals. What was it like for you?"

She paused and didn't turn around. "Painful." She replied.

Robin's smile fell. Whenever she mentioned anything related to her past she changed. She always seemed hurt as if there was a knife being twisted into her heart. He wanted to know more about her but how could he ask her anything when it clearly caused her so much anguish to even remember it?

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you recall anything painful."

She turned around and smiled. "You don't need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong."

He nodded. "Can I ask you one thing though?"

"Of course."

"This Therius and Riktor, who are they? You said they were your greatest enemies."

"Our order has faced many vampiric beings but none as powerful as Therius. He appeared one day centuries ago. Therius is what he calls a pureblood vampire. He is creating more vampires like himself. Spreading his blood like a virus. He takes mortals, and either makes them what he calls one of his "children" a slave, or blood cattle that he and his recruits feast upon. He has been trying to raise up an army of his kind and we still don't know his end goal. I have spent centuries trying to kill him. I have yet to succeed but I have kept him at bay. Every few centuries or so he makes a move and the disappearances reoccur."

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