47. The Funeral

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Medusa walked with Gal through the upstairs hall with Adonis following alongside her.

"I hope you're still good with a sword, Rusty," Medusa said.

"You've never seen me fight."

"No I haven't, will I be impressed?" She asked.

"Well, I wasn't chosen to be a part of the round table for no reason. I trust you'll be impressed." He replied.

She smirked. "Good answer."

"Why did you ask?"

"Because we aren't alone." She said and gestured her head down the hall toward a shadow cast on the wall.

"The necromancer's study." He said and tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword.

Adonis bent low and growled as the shadow shifted off the wall and took the form of a man.

"And the necromancer," Medusa said and stepped in between them and took her sunglasses off. "Don't look into my eyes, Rusty, and you'll be fine." She whispered as she took off her headscarf. She shook her head and her curls turned into emerald snakes that stood on end.

"Medusa, take care, this man is powerful."

"Don't worry, so am I." She replied and dropped her things to the ground.

"Ah, the gorgon, Medusa. I must say it is quite an honor to meet you, my lady." The necromancer said.

She moved her hair out of her face and raised a brow. "No one has called me 'my lady' in centuries, such a shame it's coming from the person I'm about to kill." She said and looked down at her black painted nails as they turned into claws.

"I was raised to be a gentleman." He said and tossed his cloak over his shoulder as he raised his hand and cast a burning black flame at her. Medusa sidestepped out of the way and Galahad deflected it with his sword.

Medusa smiled as she watched the necromancer. "You really are fast, Rusty."

"Thank you," Gal replied as he tied a blindfold over his eyes and walked up beside her.

"Can you really fight with that on?" She asked.

The necromancer sent a larger blast of black fire at them and Gal jumped in front of her and held up his white shield with the red cross. "Of course I can, I learned a lot from Arthur but I did learn a thing or two from Isadora as well." He replied and drew his sword. "We'll fight him together."

Medusa grinned. "Alright, keep up with me, if you can."

The necromancer cast another spell and suddenly dark skeletal shadows oozed out of the floor and the walls like black liquid.

Adonis growled and swiped at them causing them to cut in half but knit back together. Medusa and Gal circled the hall back to back.

"I can't see them but I do see a red aura dead ahead and all around me. He summoned something from the Underworld didn't he?" Gal said.

"Yes, many somethings, you might want to keep that blindfold on... trust me."

"Will do. I've got your back if you've got mine." He stated.

She nodded. "I've got you covered, go."

The shadow skeletons marched toward her and Medusa lunged at them and slashed them apart with her claws. Adonis jumped and bit the neck of one of them, taking off its head.

Gal fought behind her, cutting them down with his sword and blocking their attacks with his shield.

Medusa curled her lip as she watched them all knit back together again. She looked over her shoulder and noticed the same wasn't true for Gal the shadows burst into ash as he sliced them down. His sword had a glowing pure white aura.

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