32. Lost lyrics

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Isadora paced back and forth searching through her memories while Medusa sat in a chair and played her lyre.

Adonis walked beside her back and forth.

She rubbed her eyes, frustrated. She couldn't remember a single line. She could see herself in the exact time and place and hear the tune clear as day but the lyrics were completely out of reach.

"You push any harder and steam will start coming out of your ears," Medusa said.

"I just can't remember those accursed lyrics."

"You need to relax."

"How can I relax when in those lyrics is the key to destroying Therius once and for all?"

Medusa stood up, set her lyre down, walked over, and placed her hands on her shoulders.

"You're far too ancient to be giving me the pouty face. Honestly all these centuries and you still look like a baby when you get upset."

Isadora cracked a small smile and turned away. "I can't help it... I'm not as mature looking as you are."

Medusa pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair. "You've been stressed out the past few days haven't you?"

"Is it that obvious?"

She laughed. "You have never been good at hiding those things from me. I think Rusty Knight and Dead Boy have been picking up on it too."

She had been stressed out. She was right. First, there was what happened between her and Robin and then there was the spell and this tree. Normally she could handle these sorts of things. This wasn't Isadora's first mission. It was these new emotions that were getting in her way. They were unpredictable, strange, and confusing. She needed to do something about these feelings they were getting out of hand.

She pulled away from the embrace and ran her fingers through her hair. "I'll be alright, you know me."

Medusa gave her a look of uncertainty but Isadora looked away.

The phone rang in her bedroom across the hall. "I better go get that."

She stepped out, made her way to her bedroom, and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" She asked and sat down on the bed.

"Isadora, hey, it's Robin. You know how you gave me your number and told me to call you whenever I found a lead?" She could hear him smiling on the other side of the phone and found herself smiling as well.


"Well, I just found a huge lead."

She stood upright. "You did?"

"Yes, we were on the right track with Arcadia. You're going to be late for work by the way so hurry up and meet me at the library."

She grinned and pumped her fist. "Great! I'll be right there."

She hung up and ran out into the hall. "Usa!" She called.

Medusa walked over to her. "What? Why are you suddenly so excited?"

"Robin found a lead. I'm going over to meet him at the library."

She raised a brow. "Really? He works fast. What about the spell has Tristan made any progress?"

"Yes, he did last evening. He should be home by now... Who knows where he ran off to this time."

She nodded. "Sounds about right. Never around when you need him is he?"

"Play nice when he gets back."

"No promises."

"See you later, Usa."

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