43. Where is Cindy

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Gal stood beside Medusa in the kitchen looking out the glass door as they watched Isadora in the backyard with Adonis. She threw a ball and he ran off and chased it.

"Good boy," She said.

Gal took a sip of tea. "She doesn't seem okay."

"She's been at that for hours ever since returning from Robin's house," Medusa replied.

"I wonder what happened between them." He said and stroked his beard.

"You and I both. Have you seen Dead Boy by the way?"

Gal shook his head. "The night is still young, he is probably showing Miss Acer around the town."

Medusa nodded and sipped her tea. "That sounds about right."

Gal watched Isadora worriedly. She seemed restless and unfocused. He had noticed it for a while now. Normally when she was stressed about something she knew she could talk to him about it. He had always been her confidant but recently she was bottling her emotions. This had to have something to do with Therius's plan. When things became difficult for her, Isadora always tried to handle it alone. It was something that never changed about her. She would help people, save lives. But when it came to her own life, she would face it head-on. She was used to being alone. How long would it take before she just exploded because of the weight she was carrying inside?

 How long would it take before she just exploded because of the weight she was carrying inside?

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Cindy opened her eyes and her vision blurred in and out. She blinked hard then opened her eyes to see a stone ceiling up above. Water dripped from the ceiling onto her forehead. She cringed and tried to move her body but it was too weak. Where was she? How did she get here?

She tried to move her head but it just rolled to the side weakly and she noticed a large maple tree standing tall in the dark chamber. Its large roots were spread out pushing up the stone floor. She wiggled her fingers lightly to feel something moist on the ground and realized her entire body was laying in whatever it was.

She furrowed her brows and tried to lift her hand, it took all her strength but she managed to just barely get it up at eye level. Her eyes widened to see her hand was covered in blood. Her arm fell back at her side and she let out a scream.

She tried to get up but her body was still too weak. Why couldn't she remember how she got here? What happened to her? What was her last memory?

"Think Cindy... Think..." She shut her eyes tightly and the memories came one at a time. Her farewell to Tristan, her day at work. She opened her eyes. That man. There was a man who showed up beneath the lamp post at Orchard Street. After that, all she could remember was those horrible eyes and the feeling that her life force was being drained from her body. She trembled and swallowed hard. He took her here. It was him that... that monster.

Cindy had to get out of there but she couldn't even move an inch, she was as good as paralyzed. She felt so weak and her mind was dizzy.

"Tristan... Where are you... I need you...?" She whimpered as a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

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