If I'm going I'm bringing Bella

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I woke up to my Dad the president of the United States in my room.

"WAKE UP STASSIE!" my dad yelled as I covered my ears with a pillow.

"Ughhhh WHAT!" I yelled through my pillow.

"You have to go to Great Britain to stay with the prince and his family for like a month or so because there's some business down near there for me so you'll be staying there I'm very good friends with these people I think you'll like it there," my dad explained.

"Okay, but what does this have to do with me I hate that little entitle motherfucker?" I asked confused as I sat up on my bed.

"I just thought it would be nice to make some new friends after all you only stay inside with Isabella I miss seeing my little sunshine happy and don't call the prince that you need makeup with him so you're going to stay there how ever long it takes," he said.

"Dad, I'm happy I just don't like going outside because YOU'RE THE PRESIDENT!" I yelled.

"Well, that may be part of it," he said.

"When do I leave and if I'm going there for like a fucking eternity I'm taking Bella with me," I said.

"You leave tonight at 11 pm," he said as he then left.

"Oh great I'll call Bella to tell her that we're going on a little trip," I said as I opened my phone.


"What do you want it's nine in this fucking morning?" Bella asked.

"Pack your bags for like a long trip to Great Britain!" I yelled through the phone because I was already starting to pack.

"Why?" Bella asked sleepily.

"Because my Dad wants me to go stay with the royal family of Great Britain for like ever because he has some business to take care of near there and he thinks it would be great for me to meet them again and makeup with the prince and explore a new place besides my bedroom," I explained as I looked through my closet.

"And what does that have to do with me?" Bella asked once again.

"I said I would go as long as you came with me," I explained as I grabbed some clothes and put them into one of my many suitcases.

"Okay, I'll start packing you know I love having a best friend that's the daughter of the president because we do shit like this," Bella explained as she started to pack.

"At least you like I can't even go outside without having bodyguards," I explained.

"Yeah, that does suck that's the only reason I hate that we can't go anywhere by ourselves," she explained as I giggled.

"Oh, and don't forget to bring some formal clothes because you never know especially with the royal family," I explained.

"Okay, got it," she said.

I headed to my bathroom to get some makeup and skincare and then put them into my travel makeup bag.

"Do you even know anything about this family?" Bella asked.

"Nah, but my dad's great friends with them whatever that means I just can't stand their son," I said.

"Bitch I still don't understand why you hate him so much?" Bella asked.

"Me and him had a little disagreement like two months ago and now we hate each other,"

"Damn, sucks for you," she said.

"see you at 11 pm for the flight to Great Britain," I said.

"Okay, bye see you later love you!" she said happily.

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