What am I to you?

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"What would happen if you were?" I asked.

"This," James said as he kissed me.

"Thanks," I said as I tried to leave then he quickly grabbed my wrist to pull me back.

"You think I'm just going to let you leave after I fucking kissed you?" James asked.

"Well, yeah because we aren't anything," I said.

"Who said we aren't anything darling?" he asked.

"Listen I'm happy that we're friends again but we can't date your the prince of Great Britain and I'm the president's daughter that can't date publicly," I said.

"Does it look like I give a fuck?" he asked.

 "Then what am I to you?" I asked.

"You wanna fuck we fuck you wanna date we date you wanna call me your secret boyfriend fine I'll call you my secret girlfriend," he explained I couldn't help but blush.

"Then we'll keep it a secret now come on my secret boyfriend," I said smiling.

"Whatever you say my darling," he said happily as he opened the door and we actually headed to the living room.

"You guys okay?" Bella asked as she was on Ben's lap.

"Yeah, we are fine good news is we are getting along and don't hate each other but we want to keep seeing each other every week so we just have an excuse to see each other and become friends again," I explained.

"Okay, but act like you hate each other around the king," Ben butted in.

"Yeah, that's our plan," James said.

"Well, I'm bored so can we please leave?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure wanna go wander around?" James asked.

"Oh my god, you know me so well!" I yelled excitedly.

"Well, I've known you for a year," he said.

"We'll stay here and meet you guys back home in two hours," Ben said.

"Okay, see you later Bella and Robbie!" I said happily that they were staying because then I could kiss James and hold hands with him and not be weirdly secretive about it.

We walked out of the house and started walking around town.

"Did I mention you look amazing in that outfit?" James said.

"No, I don't think so you know I've had a crush on you since two months ago," I said smiling.

"Wait you had a crush on me?" he asked sarcastically.

"I know hard to believe," I said sarcastically.

"Now what do you wanna do?" he asked.

"I don't know to be honest I wanted to go home and read," I said.

"Well, that's boring I was thinking we could walk around town some more and talk about our lives for the past two months," he explained.

"Okay, what do you wanna know?" I asked.

"Like what do you do when your home?" he asked.

"I most of the time scroll on socials and binge-watch tv on Netflix with either Bella or Robbie when they come over but if no one's over then I either read or watch Grey's Anatomy because I can't watch it in front of them cause they don't like blood," I explained.

"Damn, but don't you have a fear of needles and blood?" he asked confused.

"I do but I don't get grossed out when it comes to blood and gore on tv because I know it's fake as for needles and blood in real life I know it's happening and I'm physically looking at me bleeding or being poked and prodded," I explained.

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