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It's been a few years since I became queen of England James and I got married on Christmas Eve and of course had a Christmas party the day after.

In those years I had a daughter named Victoria and my best friend Bella married Ben they also had a kid and a son named Charles Victoria and Charles have always been around each other we expected them to be best friends but Tori hates Charles I have no clue.

"MOM WAKE UP!" Victoria yelled.

"What why?" I asked.

"Tori what did I tell you if it involves Charles it's not a problem involving us," James explained as he rubbed my back signaling for me to go back to sleep.

"But he's being a fucking twat," Victoria said.

"Just because you hate him doesn't mean you have to call him a twat Tori," James said as he got up.

*Victoria's POV*

"He's so annoying and won't leave me alone," I explained as my dad walked into the hallway with me.

I inherited some issues my mother had like anxiety and I sometimes hurt myself but that only happens when being a princess gets too much.

"Then tell him to get away," my dad said.

"I have," I explained.

"Lock your door," my dad explained.

"Can't you took the lock off because I was found on the floor bleeding," I explained.

"Exactly and if Char didn't find you that time and busted out the door you would have been dead," my dad explained.

"It was one time," I lied there's been more but they haven't seen it.

"Touche but still no lock," my dad said.

"You're impossible," I said walking off.


"I WON'T!" I yelled.

I walked to the garden to calm down and bumped into you guessed it, Charles.

"What you do want Char?" I asked.

"I just want to make sure you're okay," Charles explained.

"You found me bleeding out one time," I explained.

"Yeah, but it was more than once you did it," Charles said.

"So?" I asked.

"I hate seeing you like that," Charles explained.

"Well, ever consider why I do it?" I asked.

I hurt myself for many reasons I just say the short answer is being a princess is hard.

"Then tell me why," Charles said.

"Because I hate everything about myself my legs, arms, stomach, face everything," I said crying as Charles hugged me.

"You shouldn't hate yourself your beautiful Tori," Charles said.

"I'm not Char," I said crying in Charles's arms.

"You are and I don't get how you can't see that," Charles said as he kissed the top of my head.

"Did you just kiss the top of my head?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, you prefer me kissing you like this?" Charles said as he kissed me on the lips.

"Finally I was waiting for you to do that ever since we were fucking thirteen," I explained smiling as I kissed Charles again.

"I thought you hated me?" Charles asked.

"I did but that's because I liked you," I explained as I grabbed Charles's hand and we walked back inside.

"Why are you guys holding hands and not hitting each other?" Bella asked.

"Because we're dating Mom," Charles explained.

"No, fucking way," Ben said.

"Yeah, it's true," I explained smiling.

"Finally pay up Ben," my dad said walking in.

"Here," Ben said handing my dad $30.

"Thanks," my dad said.

"Well, I'm gonna go in my room and read," I said.

"YOU BETTER BE READING AND NOT FUCKING!" my mother yelled from her room she sounded sick.

"NOT I'M ONLY SIXTEEN!" I yelled back.


"TOO MUCH INFO!" I yelled.

"I heard she fucked Robbie," Charles said.

"Robbie her guard?" I asked as we walked into my room.

"Yeah, they used to date before she was with James," Charles explained.

"I didn't know that," I explained.

"Clearly," Charles said.

"You make me want to kill you sometimes," I explained.

"And, so do you have for years," Charles said.

"Guess I'm just amazing at doing that," I explained.

"Maybe so," Charles said.

I climbed onto my bed with my book.

"Want me to leave or?" Charles asked.

"No, come here," I said as Charles climbed onto my bed sat in between my legs, and rubbed my thighs a little I blushed.

"You know it's a shame my door doesn't have a lock," I explained.

"Why is that?" Charles asked.

"Because I don't want to read," I explained.

"You don't want to hurt yourself do you?" Charles asked as he looked up at me.

"No, nothing like that but now you got me thinking about it I'm going to the gym to box coming?" I asked.

I was already in my gym clothes because I was boxing this morning.

"Yeah," Charles said as he walked out with me.

"So, you wanna spar?" I asked.

"I don't want to hurt you," Charles said as we walked into the gym.

"You won't," I said putting on my gloves.

"Okay, then let's spar," Charles said.

"You I heard a crazy thing from your mom," I said as I punched Charles.

"What?" he asked.

"That my parents fucked on this very gym floor," I explained.

"Seems like a lot of people fuck in this palace," he said.

"Yeah, you do realize we could be next right?" I asked as I dodged his hit.

"Maybe," he said.

We sparred for a little then chilled in his room until it was time for me to go to sleep.

"Night, Char," I said smiling.

"Night, Tori," he said smiling as he walked me to my room.

I took a shower and changed then went to bed.


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