You're going to be king

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A week after-

We all headed back to James's palace because James was going to be king the day many people have been waiting for, but I for one am a nervous wreck.

I couldn't even talk to James because I couldn't see him until after he was king.

I changed into the dress that James told me to wear last night.

*My dress*


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I then did my makeup and put in my contacts I've been wearing my hair wavy ever since James told me to stop frying my hair.

"Hey, Bella asked me to check on you," Robbie said walking in.

"I'm fine," I lied as I fiddled with my hands.

"Stassie I know you, you're fine until you're not please don't let your anxiety bottle up," Robbie said to me.

"It's not I promise," I lied once more.

"Whatever you say you know I don't believe you," Robbie said leaving.

I was very happy that I didn't put on mascara or anything like that because all I could do was cry I don't know if anyone could hear but I didn't care.

"Stassie what's wrong talk to me," Bella said walking into my room and finding me on my bed crying.

"I just can't help to think that what happens if James and I don't work out he's going to be king of fucking Britain and I'm just the President's daughter but only for a few more years and what happens if James and I become distant from each other," I explained crying.

"Hey, Stas that's not going to happen I promise," Ben said walking in.

"Y-you can't...... Promise that........... No one............ Can everyone............. I love......... Leaves me," I explained as my breathing got heavier.

"Ben, call this number," Bella said handing Ben her phone.

"Who's number is this?" Ben asked.

"Just call it," Bella said.

"It's okay just breathe," Bella said.

"I-i... Just need.......... Him," I explained as Bella hugged me.

"I know, I know you do," Bella said hugging me.

*INCOMING call from Bella*

"Hey, what's wrong I told you to call me if something's wrong," James said.

"Umm hey, bro Bella told me to call this number you have a backup phone?" Ben asked.

"Yep, now give the phone to Bella," James said.

Ben hands the phone to Bella.

"Hey, I walked in here and I found Stassie crying and now she's panicking and she wanted you so I called you," Bella explained.

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