Christmas one year later

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"Morning, Stassie," James said happily as he kissed my neck.

"Morning, James Merry Christmas," I said happily.

"Merry Christmas," James said happily.

"Wanna know what's great about having Christmas at my house?" I asked.

"What?" James asked as he got up and headed to my closet.

"Seeing my family and you," I said happily.

"Well, I have some gifts for you to open right now," James said as he walked out with two boxes.

"James, I told you not to buy me anything I already have everything I could possibly want," I explained.

"Well, too bad now open," James said as he handed me the two boxes.

"Okay, okay fine," I said as I opened the first one it looked book shaped.

I opened it and it was a book I've been wanting forever called Powerless it's by Elsie Silver I've read all the books before this one was next in the series but I could never find it.


"I got it online," James said.

"Really I've looked everywhere," I said.

"Yeah, it wasn't that hard," James said.

"Well, give me the other one," I said.

"Will do here you go," James said.

"Why, thank you," I said as I opened it.


"I did because I think you look great in emerald," James explained.

"Thank you James I love you," I said smiling as I hugged him.

"It's no problem now let's go downstairs where everyone else is," James said.

"Okay," I said happily.

We headed downstairs and opened more gifts with Bella, Ben, my dad, and Robbie.

"I'm gonna get dressed for the party," I explained.

"Okay, yeah us too," Bella said.

"I have to get home to my mother," Robbie said.

"Bye, Robbie," I said.

"Bye, Stassie," Robbie said.

James and I headed back upstairs to change.

"I had a special dress made for you," James said.

"Let me guess Emerald?" I asked.

"How'd you know?" James asked.

"You said I look great in it," I said as I grabbed the dress that was hanging up.

"Because you do," James said kissing my neck.

"I'm gonna change you should too," I said.

"I'm going," James said as he walked out.

*James's POV*

I walked out of Anastasia's room and into the hallway I ran into her dad.

"Hey, just so we're clear everything for later is all set up right?" I asked him.

"Yep, she's gonna love it James don't worry and I heard it's supposed to snow later tonight," he said.

"That's perfect," I said.

"Mhm, now go get ready," he said.

"Will do," I said as I walked back to my room with my black tux hanging up.

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