Chapter Three - A New Story Begins

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I glanced at the lunchbox on the table and groaned. It's been a months since I left the hospital. I had taken a placement test and it was determined that I'll skip what's left of middle school and start high school this up coming year. Sighing I grabbed the lunchbox. Mom was asleep, she had another twelve hour night shift tonight. While both Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Marasu where at work.

I had been walking to Katsuki's school, wearing my usual almost all black outfit when I came across a villain attack. I stared at Mt. Lady as she introduced herself. Silently in my mind I began to note down things about her quirk, the best ways to fight her, best ways to escape her. Shit. I was doing it again. I sighed. I shook my head before continuing on. I really needed to break the habit, or not. It's a good survival skill.

I came to a stop before Katsuki's classroom door. I got permission from the principle to go in here. I sighed hearing Katsuki bragging and talking about his goals. Sighing I opened the door. It went quite. Katsuki instantly mellowed out. The whole room went quite. Most looked away or looked down out of fear of offending me. If they weren't doing that they where gawking at me. Stupid scientist. Stupid viral videos. I walked to Katsuki's desk. "Forgot." I didn't talk much anymore. And when I did I spoke little to no words. I stared at him for a bit. "Leaving now. Bye Kat." With that I turned and began to leave.
"Zumi." I looked back. "Be careful walking back. Oh and moms taking you shopping today." I blinked. Then I just nodded.
"Bye." I then walked out the door and left.

Surprisingly aunt Mitsuki arrived early. I stared at her. "Auntie?" She smiled at me.
"Com on Izu. We're gunna get you a pet." My mind instantly flashed to a small wolf cub and small panther kitten. The two I had found as abandoned babies and raised. One of the only good thing from those stupid experiments.
"What?" She smiled at me.
"It might help. You refuse to go to therapy. And you refuse to talk about it. So this is the next best thing."

Next thing I know I'm walking through a pet shop with my auntie. I had tried to talk her out if it. But she refused. Currently she was throwing a lot of stuff, surprisingly all of it correct for just the type of pets I once had in the tests.

I stared at small black cat, well he wasn't all that small. But not big either. I kneeled down and reached my hand out to him. He nuzzled my hand. He was a Maine Coon kitten. He was bigger then most Maine Coon cats. I didn't mind though. I smiled at him and began to pet the cat. Within seconds Auntie Mitsuki appeared behind me. I blinked up at her in shock as she spoke up. "We'll take him." The fuck? She smiled down at me. Then she smiled at the cat. "Now let's look at dogs!" I just blinked.

Now I stared into the bright red eyes of an albino Akita. She, like Tsuki the Maine Coon cat I ended up adopting, was a lot bigger compared to her litter mates. I smiled at the pup as she hopped into my lap and began to lick my face. I just laughed. Her name ended up being Asahi. I began to pet the red eyed white coated dog. She just wagged her tail.

I again began to train. I hadn't realized just how much that scientist, Usagi Hoshi, had done to me. I wasn't normal. The doctors concluded that I was still quirkless. But my stamina, my healing, my senses, my speed, my strength, my intelligence, was all pushed way beyond their limits. Where far beyond normal. He'd changed my entire biology. And he had said he wasn't done. I walked out of my bathroom. It was the day of the exam. I sighed as I grabbed my specially made outfit. Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Marasu made it for me. With permission from the law, UA, and my mother they made me the outfit.

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