Chapter Eight - One On One

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I watched, unamused by the fight. The battles where going quickly. I hummed, that went, quickly. I just stared, the fight against Ejiro, and Tetsutetsu ended in a tie. These fights were going by quickly, and boring. Now, it was Kat against Ochaco. I watched the fight. Smiling. This was very interesting, but very predictably. I closed my eyes. My eye cracked open as memories fell. I watched as Ochaco fell to the ground. She has clearly lost. But she had fought valiantly. I hummed as Kat was the confirmed winner. My mind began to form plans for my own fight. Standing up I began to walk down the halls. "Zumi." I looked at him.
"Did you help her."
"No. Her own." He narrowed his eyes.
"You good."
"Fine." He sighed at my short reply.
"Good luck in you fight."
"Thanks." With that I went to my waiting room.

I stared at Ochaco. My eyes moving to the speaker as Mic yelled. "I'm starting to question my taste in heroes." I paused. "Oh. My turn."
"Oh no! Sorry Ce-Zumi I cut into your time to prepare."

As I walked down the hall I came face to face with Endeavor. "Oh, it's you. Celeste." I stared at him. "You a legend in your own right. A powerful young woman. It makes me wonder. What is your quirk girl." I stared.
"Excuse me?" I just stared. Before signing.
"Round bout to start. Bye."

I stood before Todoroki. Hundred of different plans flying threw my head. He fired his ice at me. I jumped up, my fake wooden sword coming down, shattering the ice coming at me. This continued, he began running at me, I jumped up and into the ice, again slicing it. Twisting around in the air I drew a nerf gun and shit at him. We where putting each other on our toes. I barked a laugh. "Come on Todoroki! You can't defeat me with only your ice! Half your strength! Don't make me laugh! If you want to win this fight you have to use all your strength!" I was now sliding down the ice as he rushed at me. "Your slower now!" I lunged then using my wooden blade I whacked his side. He went flying. He coughed. I jumped back as we moved to hand to hand combat. "Are you forgetting who your fighting!" I twisted around, crashing into the ice, I moved shooting to Todoroki. "I'm Celeste!" I screeched out. "If you wanna stand a change you need to use all your strength!" I lunged. Both my makeshift weapons put away. "Use your fucking quirk! It's your god damn quirk! Not your fathers!" That got him, I was mid air, my fist cocked back. Ready to punch him with full strength.

Ice coated Todoroki's side I punched his stomach. He went flying backwards. "Fight me Todoroki! Fight me like your fighting for those you love!" I looked up, my mind flashing to the man and the boy. "If you don't fight with everything you'll never ever be a hero!" I lunged forward. "Use your quirk dammit!" I was again in the air, my hand again cocked back, preparing for another blow. One to get him out of bounds. Todoroki lost it, he was engulfed in flames. I laughed, going back. I smiled, all teeth, excitement filling me. As I began to shake with joy and strength.
"Come at me Midoriya!" I lunged forward just as he did the same.
"Oh, I am coming Todoroki!" We where in the air, both Cementass and Midmight trying to stop us. We broke threw the walls, I laughed enjoying the fact that my pure strength broke those walls, fire burnt me as I flew to him, my fist collided with his face and soon I was kicking him. Wind blew around us from the sheer force that came from us. I landed on my feet. An explosion occurred. I landed on my feet still in bounds, and panting. Shoto stood before me, he was in a worst state, I was bleeding and standing, while he was barely conscious. My left shoulder was dislocated and burnt and bleeding. I laughed, reaching up and popping it back in place.
"WHAT THE HELL! THERE BOTH STILL STANDING! ERASER YOUR KIDS AND AMAZNG!" My shoulder popped loudly, I could see the crowed stare at me in shock. I stared at Todoroki.
"You're one crazy son of a bitch Todoroki." I titled my head back. "That stung a bit to." He stared at me. Before he began to laugh.
"Me, crazy! Your the crazy one! You just relocated your shoulder!" I stared at him. Still smiling. He stumbled forward. "I can still fight!" I smiled and laughed. I took up a stance, prepared to fight.
"Can you now!" Todoroki took a step forward. Then promptly passed out. I froze, shocked. "Shit! Todorki!?" I lunged to his side, chucking his pulse and temperature. "He's running a fever! He over used his quirks!" I grabbed him arm and heaved him up, then pulling him onto my shoulder I began to walk. "I'll take him to recovery girl."

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