Chapter 4: Bryce

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"You summoned me Emperor?"

"Stand up Bryce don't act like you don't know me. And drop the emperor, we grew up like brothers."

"Hehe. I just thought I'd give it a try, so what do you need anyways, little man?"

"My names Cedrik, and I am not by any means little Bryce. I'm 6'5", and I work out with you everyday, so surely in not skinny."

"Yeah but growing up you were always the little one, talented, but adorably small. So you'll always be a little guy to me, and if you want, you can debate with Virubus about it, hehe."

"Don't be so cocky you big lug head, remember I earned my Gladius Magnus before you ever even touched that hammer. But before you try to turn this throne room into a crime scene I need you to do something for me."

"Sure, I'm up for a little mission, whatcha got?"

"Get with Jasmine and send an elite group of soldiers to keep watch over Eudon. I'd talk to Jasmine myself but I have to update the nations elders about this situation. And the only people allowed to visit him is us, the Equos Undecim, your soldiers are not to allow anyone else in. Got it?"

"Yeah, but since you're telling the nation elders, why not let them visit him? You know my dad, your mom, Ryia's mom, Jarin and Jasmine's uncle? They might be able to use that wisdom they have to snap Eudon out of whatever mindset he's in that has him acting all funny."

"No, none of them are strong enough to defend themselves against even a weakened state of Eudon's power."

"Alright little man, but Eudon won't hurt them, and he won't kill us. If that was his intention, we'd be dead. He wanted to beat us sure, and probably lock us up, but his hesitation to act is the only reason we caught him, which to me says he still loves us all to much to do any real damage to us. You should be able to see that."

"He's dangerous, and not in his right mind. Anything is possible with his power. I hate to be like this, but the only reason we don't kill him is because of who is to us. This is the best we can do with him now. And don't think that I didn't catch that you called me little man again, I told you to stop that!"

"Alright, alright, well I'll be off little guy, try and relax, polish up that cute little sword of yours or something."

I walk out laughing as I hear Cedrik throw a little tantrum over me messin with him. He's really just proving my point by acting like a little kid over it. I got a good ol' laugh at least. I guess I'm the laid back member of the group. Well me and Quinn. He's funny, and he has a short man's complex. Juliet's kinda funny too. Eudon would try to be funny, but that was his one weakness, his jokes absolutely suck. Hehe. I remember me, him, and Quinn used to hang out all the time, sometimes Cedrik would tag along, but him being a couple years younger than us, he felt behind so he'd train with Emperor Eli as often as he could. The Oculus twins and the girls normally stayed busy too, and Jarin was hit or miss. He became a part of the Gratas Militubus, and had a lot of secret missions and stuff. Even though we didn't all hang out together all the time, we were always still super close. I remember one time in particular, me, Quinn, Jarin, and Eudon all got to hang out. It was the day after I earned my beautiful hammer Virubus.

"You've beaten everyone except Eudon, Bryce. I'm impressed! But your next opponent is not Eudon, but instead, it's me!"

"Aw come on dad, I'm on a hot streak, let me beat Eudon first."

"No, you'll fight me, and if you win, you'll be the best equipped fighter here to beat Eudon. Except for maybe Cedrik over there."

"But I just beat that scrawny little guy, hehe."

"What was that, fatty?!"

"Enough from the both of you!!! Prepare yourself for battle Bryce!"

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